Spiritual realms exist between Earth and Heaven through faith

Spiritual Realms Connected By Spiritual Similarities

There are unimaginable spiritual realms that exist between Earth and Heaven that consist of light. There are also unimaginable spiritual realms that exist between Earth and hell that consist of darkness. Earth is it's own spiritual realm that consists of countless individual spiritual realms of many extremes of both light and darkness. Know that they are separated because of energies, forces, and powers that separate them both. If one's soul consists of light, it is the same light that is of God's and the light of the heavenly realms. If one's soul consists of darkness, it is the same darkness that opposes the light of God. These are known facts of the spiritual and the supernatural that exist within all that exists. Also know because of the angels of light that fell from heaven and were cast into the darkness. That there is also a light that is no longer of God that exists within the darkness that wants to deceive you from God's truths. Beware and be aware of the light in the darkness that leads to hell.

For those who believe in the light and the Holy Spirit of God who are living in and on Earth now, God is alive in our spirit and soul. We are in constant spiritual communion and communication with God Himself. With prayer and dedication, we are shown and guided to learn his truths. This is when the answers to the mysteries of the spiritual realms and our spiritual lives began to make sense.

We are spirit and soul before anything else, learning first and foremost how to connect with the spiritual, which connects with God. We first learn to feel the highest spiritual powers that connect our souls to and from the heavens above. Through faith, it is revealed that everything we understand to be reality has a spiritual and supernatural definition of its own. In the beginning, we couldn't see it, touch it, or feel it, but we knew in our hearts and souls that it existed through faith. We knew that there was something more out there that was waiting to be discovered. We felt its presence and its power. As our faith grew, the understandings and fruition of all that exists in the heavens began to be revealed and began to make sense. We learned how to look from the inside out and from the outside in by connecting with the Holy Spirit of God. Which allowed for the mysteries and powers of the spiritual realms, their dimensions, and the heavens to begin to be seen. This is how faith in the Holy Spirit works. I am only beginning to learn, though what has been revealed to me is meant to be shared with you. Take these words with an open mind that does not doubt the unimaginable and unexplainable when it comes to faith, and be blessed to reap the rewards.

As we all may or may not know, the spiritual realm and spiritual dimension have two different meanings and two different explanations depending on who you ask, because they are both used interchangeably. The answer and the explanation that have been given to me are that there are different dimensions that consist of different realms. This is the easiest explanation to understand. Therefore, this world contains independent spiritual realms and independent spiritual dimensions that coexist within its vicinity. Which means that all are accessible through faith. Which means that all spiritual realms and all spiritual dimensions are capable of seperating or connecting with each other depending on the faith of the one who actually received their own revelation to attest to its and their own truths.

Remember that the physical and the spiritual universes contain infinite realms that each possess similar spiritual definitions and qualities defined by spirit and soul. These spiritual and supernatural realms coexist with this world and may or may not coexist within its closest proximities. Which means that they exist farther and further away. As well as many others that are closest and are separated by boundaries and authorities. Which means that we are all living in the same spiritual and supernatural world here on Earth, mentally and physically, though we are also living in our own individual, separate spiritual realms by faith, which can be defined as spiritual levels. Because all spiritual realms are divided by individual spiritual levels of faith. And each individual spiritual level contains its own spiritual and supernatural qualities. Each has their own authorities to keep order from chaos. Each has its own populations of entities, beings, and authorities, and each has its own histories of evolution from which they derived their own truths.

This little blue world that we live in is not only tangible; it is also spiritual and supernatural. Though that doesn't mean that we are all living in the same spiritual or supernatural world, because we are all not, we each define our own individual spiritual realities by the faith that our own spirits and souls consist of. The spiritual realms are all on different levels. And the levels are what define the spiritual realms that we each connect with. And the level of faith that connects to God within oneself determines the relam, or realms, one is connected with in spirit. We share these realms with others who are of like-minded faith. Everything that exists in the universe contains spiritual and supernatural qualities. And depending on the faith of one's spirit and soul, this defines each one's own closeness to God. Heaven and all realms are linked to this world that we live in. It is only a matter of faith to connect with them all. All are connected within the spiritual, which coexists within all that is within reach of the light of God. It's not about distance; it's about the quality and quantity of faith in each individual. It's about the will of the soul of the beholder. This little blue world we temporarily call home was created for many reasons, though one of the most important is for us to learn where it resides within the spiritual realms.

In this world, our daily spiritual condition is determined by our spiritual journey and by what we do with the faith we learn about. For revelation to occur, one must be in search of spiritual truths. And as faith grows, the more spiritual and supernatural facts of life we begin to learn about, until eventually it all begins to make sense. Spiritual realms can only be defined by the faith of the one who experiences them. These revelations are freely given to all to learn from once one's faith elevates to see the hidden truths. The spiritual and supernatural realms contain the entire universe, just as the universe contains the spiritual realms. Therefore, because we each have our own individual faith, we each experience our own spiritual and supernatural experiences and revelations in our own individual ways.

This world that we share, shares the same space and time with all that the spiritual realms that we are closest to, just as our own hope, faith and love share the same space and time with our own loved ones spirit and soul. It's all about continual spiritual learning as faith grows to recognize the truths of how they are joined. If we do nothing for spiritual growth, we cannot spiritually advance to reach the next level of maturity. Spiritual growth is an educational process built on levels, and depending on what level one is at, that is what determines the next spiritual level awareness that one advances to. And then, eventually, when it comes time to leave this world, the level of faith that we have attained is considered as to where within the spiritual realms one is destined to go when our conscious, spirit, and soul are ready to leave this world. We know we have to eventually leave, and we all want to get to Heaven, though without learning the truths of Holy Scripture, one can easily get detoured or lost along the way by believing truths that are not of God and not knowing their lack of faith has led them astray. The truth is easily found in communion and communication with the Holy Spirit, and the truth will set you free. And once found, faith, spirit, and soul become joined to allow all that is hidden to be seen. The truth shows us the direction we must follow to find the most ultimate of all spiritual prosperity. Truth alone is a power all to itself, and once found, it shares its powers for strength and bonds that continuously form and grow.

We live in a terrestrial world that is also celestial. All that is capable of being seen is only a glimpse of much greater truths that anticipate your union through spirit with their own. The celestial wants to share all of its love and all of its secrets with you. All one has to do to reap their blessings is raise their faith to their own next higher spiritual level. This is our ultimate goal: to prepare ourselves to reach higher spiritual levels of awareness. This is where the spiritual realms begin to trust you. Between Earth and Heaven, there are countless spiritual and heavenly realms that exist where many life forms live. These are their homes. Some have been there since the beginning of time as we know it. Some were sent there to reap spiritual blessings. And some went there when their souls left this world to get closer towards God. Just know that there is a spiritual hierarchy that lies between Earth and Heaven. And just know there is also another hierarchy that exists between Earth and hell. And the realms that exist there are just as real and tangible as the Earth. They exist beyond our own awareness of their dimensions, though they are nearby. The people that live there are alive, just like us, and consist of mass and matter similar to our own, though with different qualities of supernatural realities. It varies in each realm, though the closer that one gets to Heaven, the more overwhelmingly awesome it becomes.

All spiritual realms contain different qualities and quantities of both light and darkness

How many heavenly and spiritual realms are there? No one knows, except God. There could be as many as there are stars in the universe. Which I assume that there possibly are. Especially when you take into account that our God is the God of love. Who freely gives to each and everyone who reaches out to Heaven everything we need or want. He spoils all with his love when your own love is felt within his heart. What I do know is that every spiritual realm has its own different extremes in both the powers of light and darkness. In Heaven, there is no darkness; there is only light. And the light of God reigns supreme in Heaven, within all heavenly realms, and within all that exists in creation. Why? Because God is a spiritual and supernatural light. Who has authority and power over all that exists in light and darkness. And the closer the realms are to Heaven, the more light there is. And the closer the realms are to hell, the more darkness there is. And between Heaven and hell is where all spiritual and heavenly realms exist, including this world, our current home.

Each and every realm is completely different. Each has its own spirits, powers, and authorities. It's about having faith to distinguish truth from lies. The spiritual realms connected to this world are separated by spirits, forces, powers, and authorities for dominance and control. Within each, they are divided, and each side is united in their division. All that exists in darkness avoids the light, and all that exists in light avoids the darkness. And each is ruled by different laws of natural and supernatural truth. There are two kinds of followers: those who believe that God is the living light, the ultimate authority, who has complete control over their lives, and those who refuse to believe the truth. And then there are those who do not know the definitions of spiritual light or spiritual darkness who are lost and are fooled. Acknowledging that one is spiritual means having to choose between being loyal to the light or the darkness. And because we are of this world, we are blessed to be able to distinguish the differences, with assistance from higher heavenly powers for strength to endure, and to learn how to connect to divine spiritual realms, thus bringing us closer to both Heaven and God.

Routes, doors, and portals to enter or exit the spiritual realms

As there are routes to take in this world to get to various locations, there are also routes to take into all spiritual and heavenly realms. These are routes, doors, or portals that connect each and every realm. To learn how they function, one must learn that they are all connected by the strength of faith. And by the power of the Holy Spirit that one's spirit and soul connect with. The two work together to make it possible. And the keys that open the passageways to enter or exit within come from the spiritual strengths that come from the depth of knowledge of the divine Holy Scriptures of God. For those who do not doubt one single word of Holy Scripture, they are given the spiritual keys to experience revelations and learn all the spiritual and supernatural truths that the Holy Spirit chooses to share. If you feel the Holy Spirit, like I know you do, know that you are being called to be drawn nearer. Faith, love, hope, and truth are four of the strongest energies, forces, and powers to pray for and learn about. Which are also the keys to gaining entrance to or exiting the spiritual and heavenly realms. Once you begin to learn what these energies want, they begin to reveal the secrets to gaining entrance to and from the spiritual and heavenly realms. Knowledge of the spirit, soul, and light of self will be revealed once one learns of the light of God. It happens as faith grows. It's only a matter of devotion and time before all is revealed. In its most basic form, through the mystery of faith, this is how easily divine intervention and prayers work; we are directly connected to Heaven and God through our unwavering love. When faith is involved, the spirit of self is capable of unimaginable possibilities.

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