Guardian angels reveal truths for us to learn about Heaven and God

Guardian Angel From Christ Praying

There are angels that are present in this world and are near us as we live our lives. They don't watch us, and they don't know what we are doing at any given time, though they are capable of feeling our spirit and seeing our light of soul, therefore always knowing what spiritual condition we are in. They know how to distinguish the spiritual from the supernatural realms and worlds, and they know our capabilities. Once they trust in your strength of faith and will, they began to reveal what is needed to prevail when it comes to learning about spiritual growth. They want us to be prepared to enter the holy realms where they currently live. These are the realms that have the closest spiritual and supernatural connections to here on Earth and, from there, to God.

They are here, and they are there to protect us, assist us, and guide us in fulfilling our future destinies. Everyone has their own God-given plan, and sometimes we need a helping hand from the heavens above. If we spiritually succeed, we bless the angels that are closest, and then we get blessed back in return. Just as miracles of faith work, so does divine intervention in times of need. As one spiritually advances, the energies within oneself change, which one's closest angels are capable of interpreting to assist and guide. The angels know what we need to learn next and silently guide us towards our own revelations. The angels communicate with each other. And they each have their own unique qualities. Therefore, when our spiritual growth goes through different stages, the angels that are currently closest sometimes change. Though the first original angel in your life remains.

Relationships with angels are never personal for them, and they should never be for us either. For now, you're not going to sit down and have tea with your angel. For now, that's not what we are here for or what it's all about. Maybe later, when we get to the other side, we can all get together and enjoy a cup of tea, though for now there are greater things to focus on and much to learn. Time is of the essence to get the upper hand. No one knows how much time they have left. Your relationship with your angel is a spiritual and working relationship that has codes of conduct that must never be violated, just like any other professional relationship does. Trust must not be broken to continue to reap the greatest rewards that your relationship with your angel has in store. You are blessed with an angel just as you are blessed with a soul; cherish them both with all of your strength. We are here for them just as much as they are here for us; it's a spiritual relationship that has everything to do with the elevation of spirit and soul and education in faith. It's not about us personally; it's about the light that we possess and the Holy Spirit that we share. Their breath of light and our soul's light are the exact same light of God. What we are both here for is to learn about all that gets accomplished when blessings are given and shared. It's about getting spiritually educated and getting prepared for the miracles and divine power to which we are bearing witness.

It's about having faith in everything that is holy and true to always have your back without doubt, and for them to always know they can trust in your own. This is how the bond and trust continue to flourish and grow. It's about going into spiritual battle with the best and brightest by your side. It's about belonging to a team where everyone who is part of it can count on each other for anything that needs to be done when the time comes, no matter what. It's about having goals in life that will bring us closer to all that is heavenly. It's about teamwork, and it's about advancing spiritually with the knowledge and strength of the Holy Spirit. This is how good it gets for you and your angels. The closer one gets, the more intercession takes place. Never doubt miracles or revelations, so that the miracles and revelations will not doubt your own faith. An angel will not abandon you, but they will not waste their time if you cannot learn to listen to your own spirit and your own soul. You will learn, sooner or later, that you and your angels are a team within this spiritual realm that is a battlefield where spiritual wars are raging and where we are each temporarily joined with our own individual angels to learn how to spiritually advance.

With angels present, revelations of light and darkness become known

Angels are just as alive, real, and tangible as we are, though they have been educated and transformed by all that is divine. They have physical senses and capabilities, just as they have supernatural senses and capabilities. They want us to learn that spiritual knowledge and spiritual growth are the two most important reasons for our brief time here on Earth. Angels have every physical quality we have, though as angels, their physicality is only an aspect of their truest identity, which is the very essence of their inner light. This is what we have in common. This is why they are here. Because their essence of light and our essence of light of the soul are exactly the same living light that is of the gift of life that is given to all from God. And because of this, they share a bond with us that will always remain true. They want us to learn all the secrets they keep hidden inside, and they will share them all with you if you give them a reason to. They are much older and wiser than us. And because of this, they have a better understanding of what the light of life and the light of God are all about. They are here to bless us so that we may not be detoured from discovering these most awesome answers for the meanings of life.

They have supernatural capabilities that humans can only imagine. They can travel at the speed of light, which causes the illusion of appearing and disappearing. They can temporarily manipulate time to enter earlier or later than the present to perform miracles beforehand. There are many celestial beings from many heavenly realms just outside of Heaven's doors, who can come and go between their realities and our own as they choose. They are able to subdue the natural and the supernatural by performing miracles. Our world exists somewhere within reach of their own higher dimensions. Our world exists somewhere very close to Heaven's doors. Angels intervene for the sake of our and their destinies. They are here for many reasons, foremost of which is to aid us in learning about the holy light of God. They mostly go unnoticed, though sometimes they are perceived. Most of the time they don’t want to be detected, which they have total control over, though on rare occasions, for various reasons, they reveal themselves to encourage faith.

With angels present, we can learn about the reality of our supernatural world. They are here because they know the potential of our inner light, which is quite similar to their own. Our angels want our faith to always be nourished with all that is holy and true, so that it continues to grow and is able to be joined with and compliment the faith that is their own. You and your angels are a team; sometimes it takes a team to carry out a plan. They will invest in our spiritual journey if we give them a reason to. When it comes to all that is holy, they are here for us just as much as we are here for them. Angels learn from our experiences just as we learn from theirs. And when we work together with our angels for the same cause, the impossible becomes achievable. They believe in us just as much as we believe in them. They know that our faith and potential are much like theirs. And because we share common interests, we each have our own angels that help us fulfill our lives with greater truths for the love of life, the love of fellowship, and the love of God.

Angels come and go between Heaven, our world, and our closest supernatural realms to intercede for our spiritual needs that we are not yet capable of meeting. Their task and hope is that someday we will be spiritually mature enough to be able to enter those realms where the heavens dwell. This is where we belong; this is where we yearn to be with every part of our soul—in the closest light and love of God. They want us to learn all that we can about all that is holy and divine so that we are better prepared for greater tasks. In the heavens, there is much work that needs to be done, and the angels can always use a helping hand. For us here and now, this world provides the perfect location to learn about spiritual reality because it is where every word of God has come true. Our angels want us to diligently research the Holy Scriptures to prepare for the most awesome part of our lives that is coming soon: when we enter the heavenly realm and are close to our Holy Lord.

Angels are always present when we need them most of all. They know our faith and spirit as well as we do. Faith and spirit are what allow us to communicate with the heavens and God. Angels are patient; they do not give up on anyone, no matter how hard it gets. They are patient and loyal, and they are always hopeful that our virtue will prevail. They will wait a lifetime if they have to for someone to take the Holy Spirit into their soul. And when one does, that one moment alone blesses all the bliss that Heaven contains. And for those of us who already have the Holy Spirit living in our souls, they have come to make sure we are continually thriving to spiritually mature.

We bless ourselves and our angels by the way we live our lives. We don’t have to wait for blessings to be given; we cause them to manifest automatically through all that our faith and spirit do. Faith does not know limits or boundaries; it lives to be free, reaching beyond the bounds of possibilities. This is what angels come to reinforce in our lives. When faith awakens within, it is the ultimate of all highs that the spirit and soul adore. This causes the spirit to soar; this is how angels learn to fly. When one’s God-given destiny unfolds right before their very eyes, that is what the angels are here to witness as well. This is when our angels are overjoyed, for their purpose is being fulfilled. They rejoice every time spiritual awakenings occur. They bask in the holy light that we are able to connect with. They delight when we are living a life of faith, doing all that is pleasing in the eyes of our Holy Lord.

Angels are helping hands that dwell within the closest heavenly realms that are our own. They provide light in the dark for all who are lost to find their way to comfort and safety. There is always an angel waiting to intercede when we cry out to our Lord for help. They comfort us and assure us that everything is going to be alright. Everyone needs spiritual assistance from time to time as they move forward towards spiritual prosperity. Angels are always eager to help; they want us to realize how important and rewarding continual spiritual blessings are for the well-being of our entire selves. Their presence is only summoned when we are most in need of faith. We know when our spirit and soul are in pain because that’s not the way they are supposed to be. Stress and pain cause the light that lives inside us to go dim, and the angels can see our light for all that it is from where they are. Our light of soul is just like theirs; their light and our light are the breath and light of God.

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