Our light of soul is the light of God; our true eternal gift of love

Spirit Dove: Christ's baptism of the Holy Spirit of God

Holymercy is about sharing in the faith, love, and light of the Holy Spirit. And the strengthening of the self-spirit for drawing each closer to Heaven and God. We know that when God gave us the breath of life, it came with a living conscious, a living spirit, and a living soul. With this knowledge and awareness, we can now elevate faith to the next level and learn how they each work independently and dependently to define individual life forces. Where spiritual awareness elevates celestial insight and prepares us for the truths of the heavenly realms, to which we are currently connected and to where we are inevitably destined to go. Faith awakens self-awareness of the supernatural, which thrives when perceived from within and above. Sharing is its essence, which blesses those who connect with the Holy Spirit with spiritual vitality. We can all help each other by sharing, allowing holy mercy opportunities to bless us beyond continually.

Getting closer to Heaven and God reveals eternity

The Circle of Love Book Cover

The Circle of Love is about the spiritual and supernatural sources that my faith has learned from. It is based on the concept that the ultimate reason for life is to learn about spiritual truths, which in turn bring each person closer to Heaven and God. We all live together in one world called Earth, while at the same time we each live in our own separate spiritual worlds. Some have knowledge of this reality, and some do not. Everything spiritual, including one's own spiritual self, is intuitively shared with persuasive forces. This is the nature of everything that is supernatural, and the supernatural of all that is of nature. And depending on the condition of one's faith, that is all that one's spirit is connected to, with or without one's own consent, depending on the quantity and quality of spiritual awareness one possesses. Spirits with the same energies always attract, while contrary spirits always repel; thus, everyone's spirit is always being influenced, one way or the other, for better or for worse. And always incomprehensible, at least until spiritual awareness grows to the point where the facts are recognized.

Below each chapter title is a brief introduction. The Circle of Love consists of 7 chapters, 120,657 words, and 257 pages. If anyone has any questions or comments, the contact form goes to support [at] holymercy [dot] com

Chapter One: The Vision   10 of 20 pages

We are not riding the time zones anymore; we are sitting on top of the world, watching the wars rage on for all that is evil and for all that is good. Light and darkness are taking everything down; slice by slice, one by one, the wars carry on. The convergence of light and darkness occurs beyond the boundaries of darkness and divine light; this is the boundary where true darkness begins and eternal light never ends. This is where our world exists, somewhere in between the two extremes. This is where the battles continue to rage. In this middle ground, the spiritual wars intensify to proclaim and defend against false truths. Higher authorities engage in battles for power, dominance, and control, establishing chains of command on both sides of light and darkness, extending to various extremes. They come from diverse locations, extending far beyond the blazing fires of hell and the gates of heaven.

The weak shall fall for the strong. And the strong shall fall for the saints. And the saints shall march as one towards the wall of fire, where all that are there face their fate. The time has come for the chosen ones to learn much strength when it comes to their faith and their armor of God. They march on, one by one, with their armor of God intact. They are confident in their victory and understand that it's all for the purpose of revelation. Being a soldier for Christ is God's highest honor. The heavens and stars bear witness to all that exists and all that awaits his chosen ones. As they march towards the wall of fire without fear and doubt, they enter, knowing the promise of eternal life even after death, to bring much glory to their Savior, Jesus Christ, who sacrificed his life for theirs. Now is the time for them to sacrifice their lives for him. This is their everlasting purpose: to be a soldier for the love and glory of the Holy Spirit of God

Chapter Two: Spiritual Realms   10 of 20 pages

Between Earth and Heaven, there are unimaginable spiritual realms that consist of light. There are also unimaginable spiritual realms containing darkness between Earth and hell. Earth is a unique spiritual realm that encompasses numerous extremes of both light and darkness. Within the realms of light, there are pathways that lead closer to the light of God. Recognize that the energies, forces, and powers of good and evil separate light and darkness.

A soul's light is the same as God's and the heavenly realms'. If one's soul is made of darkness, it is the same darkness that opposes God's light, which originates from the depths of darkness in hell. These are supernatural spiritual truths that concern the spirit, soul, and self-life. Beware of the angels of light who descended from heaven and plunged into the darkness. They represent a light no longer of God, existing within the darkness and seeking to deceive you from God's truths. Be aware of the light in the darkness that leads to the abyss.

Chapter Three: Soldiers of Light   10 of 20 pages

When it comes to the power of faith, light, and love, a soldier of light derives their strength from the word of Holy Scripture, which forms the core of their armor of God and their living soul. Therefore, a soldier of light learns that their light of soul is of the essence of God's own. To learn of God's light is to learn of God's power and love. They are each the same. They embody his strength and identity, and they are uniquely his own. Never doubt the bond; if you stand strong, you will receive strength and proof. Just ask God to show you his truths about how the power of faith, light, and love defines your soul, and the revelations will begin instantly.

Your living soul, your spiritual force, will continue to experience new spiritual awakenings and revelations at every moment of your life, revealing answers to all questions about faith, spirituality, the supernatural, and God. Immediately, all doubt dissipates and ceases to exist, enhancing and elevating the bond between you and Heaven. Once this happens, the ambiguous dissolves and gives way to spiritual authority. And all that was questionable that lingered outside of your spiritual strengths is eliminated permeant.

Chapter Four: Guardian Angels   10 of 20 pages

Guardian angels reside in the heavenly realms that are closest to God. As there are stars in the universe, there may be infinite heavenly realms between Heaven and Earth. Our world is situated somewhere within these heavenly realms, which are home to all the infinite spiritual supernatural heavenly worlds, including the ones closest to our guardian angels. Angels' spirits and souls are identical to our own. The only difference is that angels learn directly from God. Even though they are physically closer to God's throne than we are, we can also receive spiritual enlightenment from the Holy Spirit of God and Christ. We can approach Heaven and God as intimately as angels do. Why? Because he loves us equally.

Guardian angels have supernatural capabilities that humans can only imagine. They travel back and forth from their realities to our own as they choose, surpassing the speed of light, which causes the illusion of appearing and disappearing. They can temporarily manipulate time, allowing them to enter the present earlier or later and perform miracles in advance. They can subdue both the natural and the supernatural for the greater good of God in our lives.

Chapter Five: Living Light   10 of 20 pages

Your supernatural living light of the soul is the living light of God. How do I know? Introspection and revelation have allowed me to look inside, see, listen, hear, feel, and experience what truly exists and lives within the soul. Each and every spirit and soul is distinct and individual. Every individual possesses an inner core that houses their soul. I observed its energies and forces, as well as the light it reflects. Its boundaries contain a multitude of colors, forms, and thunder-like flashes of light, all contained within itself. I witnessed motions resembling the spirit's winds, as though the soul itself breathes, gently releasing its internal spiritual and supernatural elements. Without question or doubt, I knew exactly what I was experiencing, because once someone gets to look inside their spirit and soul, they experience the ultimate union with God. God has united you and your very soul with himself. Don't doubt the divine miracle of your soul's living light of God.

Chapter Six: Unconditional Love   10 of 20 pages

The essence of unconditional love, as well as the everlasting light of one's living soul, teach our spirits how to get closer to God's heavens. One's own unconditional love, along with faith, are the direct spiritual and supernatural lifelines that connect our conscious, spirit, and soul with all that is of the Holy Spirit and our beloved Jesus Christ. Our love reveals glimpses of God's light and teaches us how to avoid and protect against the forces of darkness. We must learn all these truths in order to spiritually advance through the barriers and distractions that attempt to keep us from direct communication with all that is in Heaven.

Between where we are and the divine, it's not about the distance between us and God; it's about the strength of faith that our own spirit and soul possess, which defies the separation of dimensions, space, and time. One stands strong and firm for the truths of Holy Scripture. Which allows us to stand in his presence, right here, precisely now, in real time. We can receive revelations that ignite our faith and reveal our unique spiritual goals and fates. Experience the eternal, spiritual, and supernatural truths of the divine always.

Chapter Seven: Heavenly Realms   10 of 20 pages

Heavenly realms are within our presence. Through faith and awareness of spirit and soul, we learn how the connections occur and how to keep them secured. Everyone learns about spiritual senses and begins to feel the presence of the heavenly realms as faith develops. Spirit consists of everything that exists within the natural and supernatural universe. We are all a part of it, just as it is a part of each of us. Everything that belongs to God inherently unites.

Stained Glass Image of Angel With Crossed Hands

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