Spiritual realms exist between Earth and Heaven and connect by faith
Between Earth and Heaven, there are unimaginable spiritual realms that consist of light. There are also unimaginable spiritual realms containing darkness between Earth and hell. Earth is a unique spiritual realm that encompasses numerous extremes of both light and darkness. Within the realms of light, there are pathways that lead closer to the light of God. Recognize that the energies, forces, and powers of good and evil separate light and darkness.
A soul's light is the same as God's and the heavenly realms'. If one's soul is made of darkness, it is the same darkness that opposes God's light, which originates from the depths of darkness in hell. These are supernatural spiritual truths that concern the spirit, soul, and self-life. Beware of the angels of light who descended from heaven and plunged into the darkness. They represent a light no longer of God, existing within the darkness and seeking to deceive you from God's truths. Be aware of the light in the darkness that leads to the abyss.
The realms of light are untouchable by darkness. Any individual belonging to the darkness is hesitant to venture into the realms where light reigns, as they are aware that doing so would lead to their demise. The light of the Holy Spirit pierces the darkness, and the absence of holiness is only a light that cannot pierce hallowed light. The light in darkness is only a reflection; it has no greater source than itself.
The light and power of the Holy Spirit of God, which is also the essence of our souls, shield and protect us from all powers in the darkest of spiritual realms. And because God is alive within us, the strongest powers from the darkest depths cannot even influence, tempt, or touch us. The darkness won't care about you because you're God's light and untemptable. We are in constant spiritual communion and communication with God himself. We learn his truths through prayer and dedication. This is when the answers to the mysteries of the spiritual realms and our spiritual lives began to make sense.
Exercise caution in the direction of your thoughts, emotions, imaginations, and spirit, and steer clear of the spiritual unknown, as numerous falsehoods that do not belong to the spiritual realms of light can easily deceive you. Without God's light, North can easily become South, Up can easily become Down, and Evil can easily deceive anyone. Darkness avoids the light of God, which is the ultimate power. You can be sure that any questionable spiritual light source is not from God because God's light is unquestionable. Once one becomes aware of God's light and learns to communicate with it, they can differentiate between all types of spiritual light that exist in both heaven and hell.
In the spiritual realms of light within our reach, there exist a multitude of luminances, each with a unique shade of radiance that surpasses our imagination's comprehension and extends beyond the boundaries of all universes combined. Why? God is the eternal light that defines eternity. Each of us possesses this eternal light within our very own souls. The word of God affirms that our souls, along with the heavenly spiritual realms, are eternal. Do not doubt that your own soul is eternal. Don't question the fact that God's light alone created it. If you do not doubt, then you know that when you leave this world, you are destined to go to a heavenly realm that consists of God's total light.
If you are not fully prepared to enter the spiritual realms of light, then I suggest starting to prepare yourself now. It’s never too late, but you are much better off not wasting any more time, because if you waste time, you delay spiritual blessings and awakenings. Each of us is here in this world to choose whether to follow the light or the darkness in life. We should strive to strengthen our spiritual bonds with God's light to acquire all the knowledge he desires. We are each individually unique in God's eyes, and he has an eternal plan for every one of us. Do not delay your surrender; submit and allow the spiritual blessings and awakenings in.
Learn to listen to your spirit and your soul. These channels are your direct conduits for communion and communication with God. These channels are waiting for you to learn of their truths. They are trying to get your attention. They want you to listen to what they must share. If you learn to listen to what they are revealing, they will reveal truths about God's spiritual realms. They elevate you to the pinnacle of spiritual consciousness, elevating your conscience and consciousness to their rightful place. Learn to listen to the silent whispers of spiritual revelations that not only come from within your own soul; listen to the spiritual connections and communications that are also coming from all that is from Heaven above. The energies flow in two directions: from the inside out and from the outside in. Your soul serves as a conduit for the energies, forces, and powers of God's light, energizing the power of truth within you and facilitating spiritual awakenings for growth. Never compromise your very soul; it is sacred. Keep it true, and the Holy Spirit of God will always be with you.
As one's spiritual awareness increases, their senses also become more sensitive to the supernatural. It just happens automatically and naturally once one crosses that spiritual line that exists somewhere within faith. Accept the revealed spiritual truths and never question your faith. Your faith, your love, your spirit, and your soul share the same light that is of God. Once the spirit and soul of self know that conscience is ready to accept the supernatural as truth, the seven spiritual senses begin to become observant.
Those who have faith in the Holy Spirit of God, currently living on Earth. God is alive within our own spirits and souls, because his light exists in all that is of creation in one form or another. Accepting this truth, which is his truth, ushers in total spiritual freedom and enlightenment. Free will starts to make sense at this point, as we have limitless opportunities to discover life's purpose. Have faith in the answers to prayers and dreams, and the opening of doors into the spiritual realms filled with endless possibilities.
We are spirit and soul before anything else, learning first and foremost how to connect with the spiritual, which in turn connects with God. We first have our own spiritual awakening, which makes us question reality. We come to understand that life extends beyond our perceptions, as we have witnessed or experienced something that defies explanation, unless its definition validates the existence of spiritual realities. We learn to feel the highest spiritual powers that connect our souls to and from heaven. Faith reveals the spiritual and supernatural definition of everything we perceive as reality. Though we couldn't see, touch, or feel it, we knew it existed in our hearts and souls through faith. We were aware of the existence of something more, awaiting our discovery. We felt its presence and power.
The revelation and fruition of all that exists in the heavens began to make sense as our faith grew. By connecting with God's Holy Spirit, we learned to look inside and out. This facilitated the unveiling of the spiritual realms' mysteries and powers, their dimensions, and the heavens. This is how faith in the Holy Spirit works. Although I am just starting to understand, I intend to impart what I have discovered to you. When it comes to faith, embrace these words with an open mind that doesn't question the inconceivable and unexplainable, and may you be fortunate enough to reap the rewards.
It's common knowledge that we use the terms spiritual realms and spiritual dimensions interchangeably. Therefore, this world contains independent spiritual realms and independent spiritual dimensions that coexist within its vicinity. This implies that faith provides access to all of them. This is the only explanation that makes sense in terms of faith. This implies that one can access all spiritual realms and dimensions based on their own faith, which validates their own truths.
Remember that the supernatural and spiritual realms and universes that exist may or may not each possess similar spiritual definitions and/or qualities that are defined by the spirit and soul that are of each one's own. We all reside in the same world on Earth, both mentally and physically, but we also inhabit distinct spiritual realms based on our faith, which we can characterize as spiritual levels. Individual spiritual levels of faith divide all spiritual realms. Each individual spiritual level has its own spiritual and supernatural qualities. Each has their own authority to keep order from chaos. Each has its own populations of entities, beings, and authorities, and each has its own evolutionary histories from which they derived their own truths.
This little blue world that we live in is not only tangible; it is also spiritual and supernatural. However, this does not imply that we all inhabit the same spiritual or supernatural realm, as each of us defines our own unique spiritual realities based on the faith that our spirits and souls embody. The spiritual realms are all on different levels. And the levels are what define the spiritual realms that we each connect with. The level of faith that connects to God within oneself determines the realm or realms that one is associated with or connected to in spirit through faith.
We share these realms with others who are of like-minded faith. Everything that exists in the universe contains spiritual and supernatural qualities. The faith of one's spirit and soul determine their individual proximity to God, Heaven, and all the spiritual realms connected to our world. It is only a matter of faith to connect with them all. The light, which coexists within everything within the reach of God, connects all. It's not about distance; it's about the quality and quantity of faith inside of each individual's soul. It's about the individual's soul's desire and determination to draw closer to Heaven and God.
Many reasons led to the creation of this blue world we temporarily call home, but one of the most crucial ones is for us to understand its location within the heavens. Our spiritual journey and the actions we take from the revealed knowledge shape our daily spiritual state in this world. If we do nothing, we cannot spiritually advance to the next higher level. Spiritual growth is an educational process that is built on levels, and the level one is on determines where we go in the spiritual and heavenly realms after we leave this world. We understand that we must eventually depart, and we all aspire to reach Heaven. However, if we don't grasp the principles of Holy Scripture, we may find ourselves diverted or lost on our journey, unaware of the detour. You can easily find the truth through communication with the Holy Spirit, and this truth will set you free. Once discovered, faith and spirit unite to reveal the hidden. The truth guides us to align with our ultimate destiny.
Our spiritual journey and the actions we take with the faith we have learned determine our daily spiritual condition in this world. For revelation to occur, one must be in search of higher and greater spiritual truths. As our faith expands, we discover more spiritual and supernatural aspects of life, leading to a moment when everything starts to make sense. Spiritual realms can only be defined by the faith of those who experience them. Once one's faith elevates to see the hidden truths, everyone can freely learn from these revelations. The spiritual and supernatural realms contain the entire universe, just as the entire universe contains the entire spiritual realms. Therefore, because we each have our own individual faith, we each experience our own spiritual and supernatural experiences and revelations in our own individual ways.
This world that we share occupies the same space and time with all that is of the spiritual realms that we are each closest to, just as our own hope, faith, and love inhabit the same space and time with our own loved one’s spirit and soul. Continuous spiritual learning is essential as faith deepens to acknowledge the interconnectedness of these realms. If we do nothing for spiritual growth, we cannot advance spiritually to the next level of maturity. Levels determine the spiritual level awareness one advances to and then to the next. Spiritual growth is an educational process. And then until eventually, when it comes time for each one of us to leave this world.
Our level of faith determines our destiny within the spiritual realms. This is the time when our conscious, spirit, and soul prepare to depart from this world. We understand that we must eventually depart, and we all aspire to reach Heaven. However, without understanding the truths of Holy Scripture, we can easily stray or lose our path by accepting non-Godly truths, unaware that their lack of faith has led them wrong. You can easily find the truth through communion and communication with the Holy Spirit, and this truth will set you free. Once discovered, faith, spirit, and soul unite to reveal the hidden. The truth shows us the direction we must follow to find our ultimate destinies for and of all spiritual prosperity. Truth alone is a power all to itself, and once found, it shares its powers for strength and bonds that continuously form and grow.
We live in a terrestrial world that is also celestial. Only a glimpse of the much greater truths, which await your union through spirit with their own, is visible. The celestial body wants to share all of its love and secrets with you. To reap their blessings, all one must do is raise their faith to their own next higher spiritual level. This is our ultimate goal: to prepare ourselves to reach higher spiritual levels of awareness. This is where the spiritual realms begin to trust you.
Between Earth and Heaven, there are countless spiritual and heavenly realms in which many life forms live. These are their homes. Some have been there since the beginning of time as we know it. Some individuals journeyed there to receive spiritual blessings. And some went there when their souls left this world to get closer to God.
Just know that there is a spiritual hierarchy that lies between Earth and Heaven. Additionally, be aware that another hierarchy exists between Earth and hell. The realms that exist between here and there are just as real and tangible as everything we know to be on Earth. Recognize that this world merely mirrors a more profound reality, where the manifestations of God extend beyond our personal comprehension. They exist in their own space and time, even though they are in close proximity to us. The people that live there are alive, just like us, and consist of mass and matter similar to our own, though with different qualities of supernatural realities within each and every different spiritual realm. It varies in each realm, though the closer that one gets to Heaven, the more overwhelmingly awesome it becomes.
Spiritual realms have different qualities and quantities of both light and darkness
How many heavenly and spiritual realms are there? No one knows, except God alone. There could be as many as there are stars in the universe. I assume that this is a likely possibility. This is especially evident when you consider that our eternal and everlasting God of love existed forever, even before the Big Bang. As his power grows, so does all that is his own. He desires our participation because we are also his own. This is the eternal, everlasting purpose and meaning of God's love. He is the God of infinity, so his glory never ends. It only multiplies and expands. Who freely gives to each and every one who reaches out to Heaven everything we will ever need or ever want? To reap his rewards, we only need to acknowledge his truths. When you feel your own love within his heart, he lavishes us all with his love. God's heart fills the universe, so all you have to do is reach out. And he is a God that loves and adores our communication. The more you give him, the more he desires and the more he gives back.
What I do know is that every spiritual realm has its own unique extremes of the powers of light. In heaven, there is no darkness; there is only light. The light of God rules Heaven, all heavenly realms, and all creation. Why? Because God is the light. Who has authority and power over all that exists in light and darkness, as well as everything that exists in between? And between heaven and hell is where all spiritual and heavenly realms exist, including Earth, this world, our current and temporary home where we live.
Every realm is completely different. Each has its own spirits, powers, and authorities. It's about having faith to distinguish truth from lies. It's about spiritual growth and being able to differentiate between the two. Spirits, forces, powers, and authorities separate the spiritual realms connected to this world to establish dominance and control. Spirits, forces, powers, and authorities divide each spiritual realm, uniting each side in its unique division. All that exists in darkness avoids the light, and all that exists in light avoids the darkness. Different laws of natural and supernatural truths govern each entity.
There are two kinds of followers: those who believe that God is the living light, the ultimate authority, who has complete control over their lives, and those who refuse to believe the truth. Then, there are those who lack understanding of the distinctions between spiritual light and spiritual darkness, leaving them lost and deceived. Recognizing spirituality requires choosing between light and darkness. And because we are of this world, we are blessed to be able to distinguish the differences, with assistance from higher heavenly powers for strength to endure, and to learn how to connect to divine spiritual realms, thus bringing us closer to both Heaven and God.
Routes, doors, and stairways to enter or exit the spiritual realms
There are doors that lead both inward and outward, as well as upwards and downwards, within the depths, widths, and heights of all spiritual supernatural realms that our faith can reach. Each door leads to its own spiritual realm. Numerous spiritual realms interconnect with our own. The spiritual realms that each individual has direct contact with depend on their will and strength of faith. And for those who eventually learn of this spiritual, supernatural truth, they are the ones who know how to access it. Faith in and knowledge of their respective faiths and truths connect or separate all individuals.
Just as there are routes in this world that lead to various locations, there are also routes that lead to all spiritual and heavenly realms. These are routes, doors, or portals that connect every realm. To understand their functioning, one must understand that the strength of faith and the power of the Holy Spirit, which one's spirit and soul connect with, connect them all. The two work together to make it possible to learn from one another. The spiritual strengths that unlock the passageways to enter or exit within originate from the profound understanding of the divine Holy Scriptures of God. The Holy Spirit gives the spiritual keys to those who do not doubt a single word of Holy Scripture, enabling them to experience revelations and learn all the spiritual and supernatural truths He chooses to share.
If you sense the presence of the Holy Spirit, as I am certain you do, understand that it is calling and drawing you closer. Faith, love, hope, and truth are four of the strongest energies, forces, and powers to pray for and learn about. Which are also the keys to gaining entrance to or exiting the spiritual and heavenly realms? Once you begin to understand the desires of these energies and learn how to unite with them, they will begin to reveal the secrets of entering and exiting the spiritual and heavenly realms. Once one learns of the light of God, knowledge of the spirit, soul, and light of self will reveal itself. It happens as faith grows. Devotion and time are the only factors that determine one's reward. Please be patient because God's love is much to learn. In its most basic form, divine intervention and prayers occur effortlessly through the mystery of faith; our unwavering love directly connects us to Heaven and God. When faith is involved, the spirit of self can reach unimaginable possibilities.
We each possess the keys to unlock our unique spiritual destinies, which guide us towards our unique understanding of spirit, soul, and eternal life. The spirit of self opens these doors for us to learn from and explore. These are the doors that are closest to each individual's spirits and souls, brought here by destiny or fortune to teach us how to progress to the next higher spiritual level. All those who gain entry to these doors receive instruction in enhancing their spiritual awareness. All those who enter gain a deeper understanding of their own spiritual keys within the context of their own awareness of faith. Through communion and communication with all aspects of God, those who master these doors gain access to multiple spiritual realms.
We each hold the keys to many doors, which we can open if we choose. Some doors remain open for us to discover. We discover some doors purely by chance, where we can learn and grow. Along the spiritual path, there are numerous doors to unlock and numerous ones to learn how to shut; by learning from your mistakes, you will acquire the skills to confront challenges head-on, leading to the opening of new doors and the initiation of new spiritual awakenings. Discover all the doors through the insight that comes from within, continue to seek guidance to learn how to achieve victory, and never stop asking God for help to make sense of all that the spiritual realms consist of.
There are unlimited doors within the spiritual supernatural, all of which are connected to one's own faith, spirit, and soul. Depending on the beliefs you hold, your own spirit can venture outwards, enter or exist through various routes, doors, and stairways, either with your consent or without your knowledge of this truth, until you learn about the energies, forces, and powers of self-control. To reach its full potential, you must unite your own spirit with faith and soul. Once one's faith reaches the highest level, they receive prayers and answers to realize their fullest spiritual potential.
Each person is on their own spiritual level, with their own individual understanding of the reasons why. And all will venture into the unknown, sooner or later, with many doors from which to choose. Each door leads to the next higher influence, which elevates spiritual growth and influences one's own physical and spiritual awareness, depending on the strength of spirit and soul. There are many answers to this, but for now, the most important, and the simplest way to put it, is that the entire supernatural is about levels of spiritual consciousness. As you gain spiritual knowledge and awareness, your spirit and soul get closer to home.
We sometimes open doors without knowing their destination, but most of the time, we can only hope for a planned outcome. There will always be a spiritual door that is waiting for you to open. There will always be many doors from which to choose. Every day is a new opportunity to open another new spiritual door, which leads to the next higher spiritual realm and brings you closer to God. Only you possess the keys to unlock or lock the doors that are uniquely yours, whether you find them or not. It all revolves around spiritual awareness and the spiritual energies, forces, and powers that define the essence of spirituality. Sometimes, unexpected opportunities arise due to unwavering faith, leading to the emergence of new revelations.