Your supernatural living light of soul is the living light of God

Living Light of the Soul

How do I know? Introspection and revelation have allowed me to look inside, see, listen, hear, feel, and experience what truly exists and lives within the soul. Each and every spirit and soul is distinct and individual. Every individual possesses an inner core that houses their soul. I observed its energies and forces, as well as the light it reflects. Its boundaries contain a multitude of colors, forms, and thunder-like flashes of light, all contained within itself. I witnessed motions resembling the spirit's winds, as though the soul itself breathes, gently releasing its internal spiritual and supernatural elements. Without question or doubt, I knew exactly what I was experiencing, because once someone gets to look inside their spirit and soul, they experience the ultimate union with God. God has united you and your very soul with himself. Don't doubt the divine miracle of your soul's living light of God.

God revealed to me that he is the Living Light, and he shares his living light with all who ask for his love. And now I can attest to the truth: God is the ultimate definition of all supernatural and natural light that exists. This revelation wasn't about me; it's all about his own truths and his own love that he gives to us all, and about the heavenly light that is of our souls that we each have within ourselves. And through faith, we can easily discover, feel, access, and see his holiest of all lights, as it is the very essence of our very own living and breathing souls.

Just as the natural light of our sun provides life to all that exists in our world, the spiritual light of God provides eternal spiritual life to all who yearn for his love. There are many qualities and quantities of spiritual light within the spiritual and supernatural realms. Everyone has the destiny to discover these truths, as well as God's living light and their own soul's light. All of us will eventually discover these truths during our personal spiritual journeys. And the sooner, the better, because one must know that not all supernatural spiritual light is from God's Holy Spirit. Do not waste any more time. You must uncover countless secrets and hidden truths to ensure heavenly prosperity and tranquility.

Never allow the numerous spiritual lights of darkness to deceive you. They can appear to anyone, anytime, anywhere. The light in the darkness will instantly recognize and flee a person with Holy Spirit faith and love through awareness. Never doubt that light pierces darkness, and that the light that lives inside your soul is God's and more powerful than any other power that exists.

To learn to discern between all the different spirits that each form of spiritual light possesses, one must first learn of the living light that is the Holy Spirit. Those who have an overwhelming desire to discover their truths receive awareness. With determination and persistence, the light of self will reveal itself and prevail. And once the living light receives your vow of eternal love, then the eternal light of the Holy Spirit will begin to permanently live inside of your soul. It will fill the void that was once there and give you an instant spiritual awakening filled with reveralation and love. To make this miracle and awakening come true, all one has to do is ask the Holy Spirit of God to come inside your soul, and it happens instantly.

Once awareness happens, one will begin to be able to perceive and discern between the many spirits that each form of spiritual light possesses. Additionally, one will start recognizing and differentiating spiritual energy within both the natural and supernatural realms, which each consist of their own forms of light devoid of darkness. To prevent deception, it's crucial to recognize the unquestionable defining essence of all spiritual energy and all supernatural light. Above all, one's perception and knowledge of the Holy Spirit must continually grow in strength through prayer, communion, and research of the Holy Scriptures. To ensure continual revelations, one must do nothing to offend the Holy Spirit, the living light of God and Christ. With prayer and determination, you will do very well. Every day is a new opportunity to learn even more about how spiritual energies, forces, and powers work when it comes to the living light of God that dwells within one's own soul.

There is a light that endures forever, possessing its own unique spirit, and it surpasses all other forms of spiritual light. It dominates everything in my life, eliminating darkness and blessing everything that touches my spirit because my spirit is of his own. Different from other spiritual lights, it comes from the source of all light—God's own. Spiritual growth teaches us to perceive and distinguish between the various spirits that spiritual light possesses. One learns to perceive the defining essence of all spiritual energy and light, which is unquestionable and helps prevent deception.

Always trust your innermost instinct; that is how your spirit communicates with you, and it always knows best. Your spirit maintains a direct connection with your soul, and they both have been trying to communicate with you all of your life. They are trying to wake you up to higher spiritual truths. Dismiss the worst and follow your instincts. The heavens above will reward your better judgment here. Never doubt your direct connection to the living light of God. Your instincts are your spirit and soul's attempt to communicate with you. These truths are impossible to recognize unless the Holy Spirit does live inside of oneself. If you can hear me now and know that I am sharing words of truth, then adhere and submit without doubt. After much prayer for faith, I finally reached this point in my life, and as my faith grows, more revelations unfold. Spirituality holds no secrets; only truths await discovery through dedication and motivation, driven by the love of the Holy Spirit of God and Jesus Christ.

Our soul lives within God's light and breath; we are his own. And he is our own. Without God's breath and light, nothing would or could exist. God is the ultimate power and source of light, bestowing his power, authority, and radiance throughout all the known universe. With patience, collective spirit, and soul, those like me who yearn for awareness and definition of God's living light slowly began to uncover the answers that are being revealed to all who yearn for God’s truths. Be patient, but persistent; spiritual growth always rewards with blessings at the most perfect of times. Spiritual growth entails moving from one level of faith to the next, based on past revelations. After all, for me, that’s what eternal life is all about. It entails constant growth, advancement, and spiritual development in relation to Heaven and God.

Learning the truths of God's living light is easier than you think. After all, isn't everything that exists divided into light or darkness? This has consistently been the case since the start of recorded history. Awakenings and revelations typically occur sooner rather than later due to our unwavering determination to uncover the answers. We understand that with each passing day, we are running out of time to get it right, as the answers from Heaven hold the secrets to redemption, salvation, and eternal life. We must strengthen our bonds and gain entry into the elevated spiritual spheres, where faith in God holds a dominant position. Inviting the Holy Spirit of God and Christ into one's own hearts, spirits, and souls initiates spiritual awakenings and transformations, as the heavenly light blesses our very souls. At this point, you genuinely recognize your connection with the spiritual and supernatural heavens above, both internally and externally.

And once joined, your very living soul begins to reap the greatest, endless spiritual treasures of all rewards. You need to cultivate a keen awareness of all spiritual and supernatural aspects associated with you. Your faith in Christ and God will always lead you to the eternal and everlasting secrets of truth, light, faith, love, spirit, and soul.

God, the utmost force of light, bestows his radiance upon those who long for his love to infiltrate their own souls. He initiates remarkable miracles and revelations, ensuring a robust connection and granting access to the higher realms for both our spirits and souls. Inviting God and Christ into our hearts, spirits, and souls initiates spiritual awakenings and transformations, as the heavenly light blesses our souls. This is where and when spiritual awakenings occur. This is the moment when you genuinely realize your connection to the higher powers, which come from both within and above. And once joined, your very living soul begins to reap the greatest, endless spiritual treasures of all. You will learn the eternal and everlasting secrets of truth, light, faith, love, spirit, and soul, which will always be your own and assured to be eternal through Christ.

Your living soul is the richest of all spiritual and supernatural treasures, waiting patiently for you to discover its secrets, its powers, its truths, and its rewards. Your soul is your inner being's very core and essence, given for the purpose of everlasting life. Your soul's light has brought you to this place to share God's Holy Spirit with the world. Your brilliance, beauty, wonder, and love radiate from within you. All of heaven has been patiently waiting for you to figure it out. You don’t need anything else in this world other than God to learn how to soar to where angels reside.

Your soul possesses all the answers you will ever need to know about the celestials. They will teach you all their mysteries and lead you to Heaven, the brightest of all, where all light resides. Learn to carefully listen to your spirit and soul to satisfy all of their desires and needs. Give your soul all that it wants, and it will reward you abundantly. Let the bliss of holiness nourish your soul, revealing its secrets. All that is holy and true hungers to fuel the soul's light. Be confident in yourself—you are your soul first. Your soul is a miracle—the very work of God alone. Inside, you will find the most valuable treasure in the universe: yourself. Never doubt the soul's first golden rule: you can only accept it through unwavering faith to bless all that is yours, which benefits from heaven.

What I learned about living light of soul and the Living Light of God

For those who live in the spirit, life is about learning the conditions of the soul to gain strength. Faith increases awareness of living light, but if faith is not based on righteousness, external forces can easily control perception. Learning about faith exposes one to both light and darkness, while a lack of faith can blind one to both.

I have become most familiar with the light of the Holy Spirit, which provides unconditionally for all who yearn to connect with the spiritual realms and God. I praise the living light of God with every breath I take, because all that contains me is his own. And because of where my faith has taken me, I believe in his living light above all. The Holy Spirit's living light is the most powerful natural and supernatural light, and it shares and shines its love for all who yearn for and desire its affections. Our God, our Savior Christ Jesus, and the Holy Spirit are the sources from which all unconditional love, all eternal light, and all unwavering faith originate.

What one believes to be true about the Living Light of God is truth for oneself when hope does not doubt. One can see and feel God's awe-inspiring light through faith in all that is his own. All receive His living light, the very essence of the living soul, to recognize and learn from.

One must first recognize the light of God before attempting to recognize and comprehend the light that is oneself. Yes, everyone has their own soul light to discover. Faith is the only way one can learn the fullness of their light. Once one begins to live for God’s holiest of lights, awareness begins and grows for all spiritual truths. It’s all about learning the strength of faith, and once awareness grows, the invisible living light starts to become visible; this is what living in the Holy Spirit reveals. All who have ever welcomed His Holy Light into their hearts and souls become enlightened, because His is the greatest reality of the very essence of life itself and the most powerful bond with a believer's soul.

To listen to your soul, first learn to listen to your spirit. Spirit and soul are both communications from heaven trying to connect with you. Both learning experiences happen together interchangeably. You only learn how conscious is part of the trio that begins to understand your life force. To better understand your faith, learn to listen to your trio. Once you fully understand each of the four spiritual forces, which are your life's gift, they begin to discover your true life purpose for the most beneficial reasons. This is the moment when you start to connect with and communicate with everything within your destiny, as well as understand how and why your faith resonates with the heavens above.

Your living light is alive. Your soul's gift is eternal, and it yearns so desperately for you to learn its truths. Time is of the essence in order to learn as much as you can. If we learn too late, how many blessings can we give and share? What does leaving this world mean if one never discovers the truths of the living soul? Please do not jeopardize your spiritual future. There are many lessons for each person to learn while they are living their appointed time in this world. Don't let time pass you by; embrace your spiritual destiny now, and you will find blessings.

My awareness of the soul's living light has changed my entire life. It has given me an undeniable yearning to find all of the spiritual truths that I can. Now that I've seen a glimpse, I want to learn so much more to advance spiritually. I want my Holy Lord to be pleased with my will to serve him with all of my strength. The awareness of the soul has changed me into a devoted spiritual man; I search for the truth within all. My awakenings have bestowed upon me a wealth of blessings that I am only now beginning to comprehend. It doesn’t matter where I go from here; nothing will deter my devotion. I have surrendered my life and soul to always be one in Christ. His living light has so much that it wants to share. Nothing else matters to me anymore. Just to stay connected to this divine love that radiates from heaven is all that I am living for, and I praise my Lord with the deepest of loves that I pray will eternally grow.

The supernatural nature of soul is awakened by faith in Christ's love

Jesus Christ, God's holy son and light, came into our world to testify to his mercy and to hold all of creation accountable for his incarnation. As Christians, we received our salvation from and for his glory. His light radiates through all that is corporeal and supernatural. The two are no longer separate; they become one through faith in his ascension. His light touches everything in creation, which is a constant blessing, just as his mercy and love always do.

Most people are unaware of the existence of supernatural lights among us, which are just as real as the reality we perceive. Once anyone takes spirituality seriously, they become aware of this truth. However, it's crucial to exercise caution during this initial phase, as most people tend to fall prey to a grandiose supernatural light that lacks holiness. Examine all supernatural light through the lens of Holy Scripture to avoid being misled. Of all with which I have become most familiar, the Holy Spirit's influences have the highest priority. This is where my faith reaches, and this is where it thrives. My faith defines all of who I have become, and it defies limitations for growth.

For a variety of reasons, you may occasionally see other supernatural lights besides your own. No doubt, what you see will vanish immediately if you doubt it. And it will not come back again until you have learned not to question or doubt the unfathomable and the unimaginable concerning spiritual truths and to learn more about never doubting faith. These supernatural lights can illuminate anywhere at any time, directly from their own visible or invisible source. A person cannot look into the light and communicate with it until they understand how faith and light coexist.

The Holy Spirit bestows upon a person the gift of discernment for all spirits, as well as supernatural light. At this point in faith, doubt doesn't exist anymore; only overwhelming trust lives for the most awesome truths. Recognize that each supernatural light possesses a distinct spirit that is palpable. Once one learns to feel and be aware of spirits, the recognition of different spirits of light occurs. Know that the first intuition that one feels from any light is always correct; this is the Holy Spirit communicating with one’s self. If the intuition seems questionable, it is most likely opposing the truth. Going against one's intuition is likely to lead to deception. Recognize the existence of supernatural light in all aspects of creation, only visible through spiritual eyes devoid of doubt.

Know that everything in darkness has its own supernatural light. Light exists in darkness, but darkness cannot exist in light. It is crucial to comprehend that supernatural light, which includes a spirit of darkness, differs from the light of the Holy Spirit. If a Christian fails to question each spirit of light, or if their faith in the Holy Spirit is insufficient, they may be deceived by a brilliant, non-holy light, unaware that they are being blindly misled.

Do not overthink this. These are very simple and straightforward truths to understand. Do not be overly alarmed, because your faith and will are all that your spirit possesses. And your spirit is what attracts or repels different varieties of supernatural light. Spirit connects any values you possess with the type of light you attract. As a Christian, do not ponder or worry about these issues because your faith has given you the strength to prevail. Your spirit is the essence of righteousness, which blesses the soul's light to illuminate and transform it into one with holiness. Ask the Lord to teach you everything concerning the supernatural and spiritual light that you need to know, and he will.

The living light that lives inside of you is your living soul. This is your life gift, which is meant for everyone to learn and get to know. This living light will teach you everything you need to know about this spiritual world and prepare you for the next place your soul will go. Without a doubt, you are from the heavens; you are a direct descendant of his most awesome love. Now that you are becoming aware of his simplest of truths, bless them for spiritual growth. The light that you possess blesses all that it touches. As it bestows blessings, it also receives them in return. The Holy Spirit will always join your living light to bless and receive blessings to and from everyone.

To bless the light that lives inside one's soul, one must continue with undoubted faith and an honest state of spirit. These unions raise awareness about their unique and awesome content. To fully understand the definition of self-spirit, one must control every thought and desire that possesses its own spiritual energy. Negative or positive energy determines the self-spirit and Holy Spirit light that wants to thrive. Negative and positive energy cannot grow together. They are always in conflict, thus depriving conscious, spirit, and soul of spiritual growth and awareness of their truths. Once one gets their thoughts in check with holiness, the blessings begin to transform one’s entire being. Then, the living light within one's self will emerge, starting to communicate and impart lessons about personal growth. The self's light has much that it wants to share. Only through growth can we learn to recognize the mysteries of life; consciousness, spirit, and soul must grow together in faith to achieve prosperity.

Understand that along the path of spiritual growth, one must learn about weaknesses and strengths. To get stronger, we must all face the questionable and opposing. All must learn from their mistakes. When this happens, never give up, no matter what. Pray for strength, and with patience, you will receive the answers to persevere and overcome. After all of the pain that I caused myself, I finally understand that my purpose for life is to learn the truths of the Living Light of God, Christ, and the Holy Spirit to become one with all that is of their own.

God is the eternal living light; learning about spiritual light should be every Christian's highest priority. Study the Holy Scriptures continually and diligently, and with prayer and patience, they will reveal the answers that one will need for spiritual awareness to grow. The Holy Spirit bestowed all spiritual light for his own divine purposes and revelations. As one's spiritual awareness grows, the Holy Spirit's and one's own light will reveal itself at the right time in life.

Do not doubt that the Holy Spirit is the light of God, and that the light and the love of God are Christ Jesus. Do not doubt their presence within your living soul, as your soul belongs to them, just as everything that belongs to them belongs to you. This is your very soul's essence; theirs is the living light, and their light is your own.

"Everlasting Living Light of God, thank you for rescuing my spirit, restoring my soul, and setting my consciousness, spirit, and soul free. With tears of love, I surrender my life and soul to always be yours. I deeply love you, and I fervently hope that we never part again. I am so very grateful for your affection; you made me strong, and you keep me strong. You are everything to me, and you are all that I am living for. Your light is brighter than the sun. In fact, if every star in all of creation were to join power and light, theirs would be just a spark compared to your own. And when the time comes for me to leave this world, there is no doubt that it won't shake me; I won't tremble, I won't stumble, and I won't fall. I will be ready. I will stand strong on your holy ground, giving you praise and glory. You are my sole reason for living according to your will, and I thank you for the breath of life you give me. Your love penetrates and consumes my entire being. I stand before you with open arms. You are all that I ever needed to make my life complete, and I shout it out into the heavens and into the stars for all of creation to know that I will always be your humble and beloved. And I pray that your living light, which lives inside my soul, will always be there. I love you with all of my strength and all of my will, my Holy Father God, my Lord Jesus Christ, and Your Holiest of All Spirit."

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