Awaken Spiritually & Strengthen Your Connection with God
We all have visions and revelations from Heaven and God; through faith we learn to recognize, interpret, and accept their divine truths. Their connections occur through awareness of the spirit and soul of one's own selves. You have a distinct individual spirit and soul that are as alive as your consciousness and body. The only difference is that your body is temporary, while your conscious, spirit, and soul are eternal.
The soul thrives when connected to Heaven and God and learns through spiritual growth how to recognize every hidden secret, mystery, and miracle that the Holy Spirit of God contains. If you learn through trust and faith to obtain this connection, your soul rejoices and exclaims to share all of God's energies, forces, and powers with your consciousness, spirit, and will. As the eternal, everlasting, unconditional love of God is the sole source of your soul's life force.
I now comprehend that the self-soul transcends specific locations within or outside the self-body. I now understand through the maturity of spiritual growth that the soul can defy all imaginable and unimaginable limitations. I am only beginning to understand the divine truths of the spirit and soul, thanks to my understanding and awareness of how the various levels of faith originate, operate, flourish, and grow.
What I've learned about the definition of soul is accurate. The soul of self completely fills the entire body, both inside and out. It is not limited by its all-encompassing radiance. Our soul has no boundaries or limits, just as unwavering faith and unconditional love have no boundaries or limits of extremes. God, spirit, soul, faith, and love bless the most potent forces and powers of the soul that each of us possesses. And the deepest part of our soul, which extends inward eternally, also extends outward eternally, encompassing even the most inconceivable possibilities that, through faith, become believable.
This implies that our spirit, ears, eyes, and every other bodily sense form an integral part of our soul's definition and are somehow, through faith, connected to the light and the power of God. This means that the Holy Spirit, God's eternal power, never stops nourishing and replenishing souls with his own light source and life force.
We are each one of God's own beloveds. That is why experiencing a spiritual awakening is effortless and common sense—because it happens efferently and simultaneously, as God is already and always present within our own spirits and souls. Your soul is eternal because it encompasses all of God's existence, both celestial and universe. Prepare yourself; you possess the most ultimate eternal gift of life—the very breath and knowledge of creation of God’s own.
Your soul embodies everything that God has created since the beginning of all creations, including the mysteries of time and space, and you are all one with all that is of his own. And because of your free will, you embody God's infinite, definite, and most ultimate of all plans. His unconditional love and free-will created you, allowing you to create your own spirit, wonder and will. He trusts you and your free will as much as you trust his own.
You are his witness to the past, the present, and the future. Your soul consists of his eternal living light and every infinite power that he possesses, which are all alive within your own soul. Never doubt the existence of God or the soul that is of your own. It is the greatest treasure of anything that exists in the heavens and the universe. Just knowing these definitions, which I share with you, is a matter of power of faith and truth of self. To not doubt is to bear witness. To witness these truths is a learning process of spiritual growth that eventually allows one to witness the energies, forces, and powers with every sense one possesses. As they did for me, faith and truth will reward your spiritual growth if you hold them true as your gift from God.
This is when and how visions and revelations occur. Once one starts to believe these fundamental truths of faith in life, they reveal themselves because they live to share their truths. The process of learning the spiritual and supernatural truths of how faith and spirit grow together, and flourish is the beginning of yours and their trusts that encourage spiritual growth, which never ends. This is only one of the multitude of purposes of eternal life: to continuously keep thriving, and it serves as a brilliant explanation for our own purpose and existence.
Understanding one's soul necessitates an understanding of one's spirit. It is crucial to understand how both the soul and the spirit work together harmoniously through faith. This defines our own unique individual spiritual and supernatural life forces, armed with knowledge of the five most powerful spiritual and supernatural gifts and abilities: love, faith, will, spirit, and soul.
You can acquire knowledge from your soul before gaining knowledge from your spirit, or vice versa. Faith works both ways; all that matters is that your spiritual growth is thriving and that you are getting closer to the Holy Spirit of God and Jesus Christ.
Spirit and soul lifted to the vision
We are not riding the time zones anymore; we are sitting on top of the world, watching the wars rage on for all that is evil and for all that is good. Light and darkness are taking everything down; slice by slice, one by one, the wars carry on, just as they always have been since the beginning of time as we know it. The convergence of the powers of light and darkness occurs beyond the boundaries of the darkest, deepest depths of hell and beyond the eternal Divine Light of Heaven.
The weak shall fall for the strong. And the strong shall fall for the saints. And the saints shall march as one towards the wall of fire, where all that are there face their fate. The time has come for the chosen ones to learn much strength when it comes to their faith and their armor of God. They march on, one by one, with their armor of God intact. They are confident in their victory and understand that it's all for the purpose of revelation. Being a soldier for Christ is God's highest honor. The heavens and universe bare witness to all that exists and all that awaits his chosen ones. As they march towards the wall of fire without fear and doubt, they enter, knowing the promise of eternal life even after death, to bring much glory to their Savior, Jesus Christ, who sacrificed his life for theirs. Now is the time for them to sacrifice their lives for him. This is their everlasting purpose: to be a soldier for the love and glory of the Holy Spirit of God
Do not overthink this; this is just the way that it is and has always been since the beginning of time as we know it. No matter what religion or belief in the world one holds true, Ultimately, there are only two powers of light to choose from that will influence one’s life: spirit, soul, and afterlife.
God's all-powerful light, or a different kind of light with a dark spirit opposing God, exists. God created all angels from this other form of light, and even after casting out the fallen angels, their light persisted. They imbued their light with an unholy essence. They can deceive people into believing their lies if the people can't interpret spirits. These fallen angels work for the darkness and have connections to all forms of evil and hell, aiming to keep you unaware of this truth. They hide behind a light that is only a fraction of the divine light that Jesus Christ contains.
In the dividing realms, which encompass our world, higher spiritual and supernatural authorities engage in battles for power, dominance, and control, establishing chains of command on opposing sides of light and darkness. These chains extend from this world to various diverse locations, extending to the blazing fires of hell and from the gates of heaven.
Avoid becoming a clueless victim of false truths that enslave you from seeing the truths of God. Spiritual wars are intensifying in this temporary world we currently inhabit, as the authorities on both sides recognize the limited time we have left to make decisions before our departure from it. When there is so much to lose or gain, every minute and moment matters. Time is crucial in proclaiming the truths of God and defending against false truths, provided it lasts long enough for those who lack knowledge to become survivors. Because of free will, the faithful become strong and learn how to survive with help from the Holy Spirit of God.
The weak shall fall for the strong. And the strong shall fall for the saints. And the saints shall march as one towards the wall of fire, where all that are there face their next fate. The time has come for the chosen ones to learn much strength when it comes to their faith and their armor for God.
Their armor of God intact, they march one by one, knowing they will prevail. They are confident in their victory, knowing it's all for revelation. Their fearlessness comes from knowing that the fire they are about to enter generates and fuels God's breath and light. It is not a fire of hell. They are confident that their faith's truths will triumph over non-Godly reflections.
They march through the wall of fire unharmed and untouched, one by one, side by side. The wall of fire must oblige the Holy Spirit of Christ. Being a soldier for the Son of God is the highest honor and purpose for life, liberty, truth, and love. Those who choose to join the most blessed ultimate, intimate, and definite cause receive numerous blessings and privileges. The heavens, the universe, and every realm bear witness to all that the words of a soldier of light hold true. The blessing is overwhelming, ensuring the uncompromising separation of darkness from the light.
Once the soldiers of light entered the other side of the wall of fire, the shadows in the darkness began to push and move; blinded by the light, there was nothing they could do to stop their fear. Their limited experience in darkness prevented them from seeing the light despite being aware of holiness. The only way to see the light of God is to know the Holy Spirit intimately. And you can only see the false truths of darkness by knowing Christ and God's love and light.
The soldiers of Christ then shined their light upon the living shadows within, enabling them to seize the last breath of darkness they had grown accustomed to, only to discover that this darkness was an external manifestation of the fires and wrath of hell. Behind them, the entrance was open; this was their only escape, their final destiny. They had no other choice but to leave the darkness and enter the unescapable Inferno. And after they entered, the entrance was sealed.
Everything gained and lost redefined the forces of hell and the powers of heavenly light, while ongoing wars and battles received new reinforcement. Then I looked upwards towards Heaven, gaining confidence that it was all for revelation. Then I gazed down towards the world, witnessing a redefinition of the world, universe, and hell from and by the heavens above. As the wall of light was being moved inwards and outwards in more ways than could ever be understood.
A lack of respect casts everything associated with darkness into the depths beyond the void. The darkness couldn’t fathom what just happened. The darkness's reach was limited. Darkness was relocated farther and further than it ever was before—to a place that is totally unreachable and unescapable.
The wall of light reflected and assessed the fate and strengths of the wall of fire. Then, in an instant, the wars came to an end, and a sense of calm prevailed. The heavens, the universe, and the realms once again drew new dividing lines, as they had done repeatedly since the beginning of time.
The soldiers of Light successfully completed their predestined mission, which is just one of the infinite number of missions that occur at every instant in time. Since the soldiers of Light communicate with God constantly, they always know his will and their next mission. They travel the universe and realms, helping to fulfill destiny. Their instincts train them, and their will and love of spirit and soul unite with God.
The curious must never cross the wall of darkness, a spiritual wall of faith, as doing so may prevent them from returning to the light. Just know that the wall of darkness is the first entrance into all that is of evil and of hell, located somewhere within the deepest depths of curiosity about false truths. Avoid taking your curiosity there or you'll be imprisoned.
The wall of light does not exist to keep out anything that the light has not chosen. Just pray for the Holy Spirit to enter your heart and soul, and it will. Don't question its completion; just trust that the transformation begins, and it does. Learn to look inside your soul, and you will discover that there is nothing else in the world that is more real than the Holy Spirit of God living within you.
Do not fear if you have faith in Jesus Christ, because the Holy Spirit of God lives inside of your faith, soul, and destiny. Establish your own boundaries of faith and remain unwavering, and you will receive blessings from above, revealing the truths of Heaven and God. God knows and hears our prayers. The heavenly realms of God's light are infinite and limitless. In heaven and the heavenly realms, anything and everything is possible, and all becomes true through faith alone.
Be confident that your faith, love, and thoughts rule everything. Your thoughts and prayers alone are what transform your own life. Every thought that you have consists of power, forces, and energies that influence your present, your past, and your destinies. Everything in your life that you desire to manifest starts as a simple thought rooted within faith and trust. The truth of Christ and the Holy Spirit are the first and foremost fundamental components of your soul. Do not doubt the power of God or the powers of your soul. For now, these ultimate powers are beyond comprehension, yet I will share the simplest of truths with you.
My advice to you is to never question or doubt that Jesus Christ is the Son of God and to trust in him, as I hope and pray you do. He will reveal every answer that you will ever need to know concerning your fate and your will. Simply ask him directly through faith and prayer, and he will reveal and give you all the answers to the mysteries of God and the universe that you yearn to learn about. This is how the Son of God answers every question from everyone, by word of mouth and trust in faith. Words and faith have power when they are united and directed toward God.
The light of God resides near the wall of darkness on the opposite side of the universe. The heavenly spiritual realms of God are open to all who are faithful in Christ, allowing them to enter and exit. This is the ultimate manifestation of faith and light's power.
Why the separation of good and evil exists and why it matters for everyone
Get ready! This journey will take our spirits into the supernatural, where spirituality is tangible, and divinity is tangible. Each holds distinct characteristics from the other, yet they unite in the same way as our faith has advanced. We are and will always be primarily spirit and soul, where the spiritual and supernatural form the essence of the corporeal and natural, and where the power and definition of life originate.
We are in this world to learn about our spiritual and supernatural selves and the world's mysteries. Individuals must prepare themselves for their inescapable spiritual and supernatural fates. We are here to learn about all the spiritual and supernatural truths that define the purpose of life. The spiritual realm did not originate from the physical or material realm. The truth is quite the opposite. The spirit created all that is material and tangible. The supernatural created all that is natural and physical.
Once you removed the barriers that kept your faith from reaching greater spiritual realities, it will be wonderful to have you join me there. Once you realize faith is limitless, you can go places you never have before. All heavens have been waiting for you to learn their celestial truths about this huge life mystery. It took me a long time to learn how to get there, and now that I know the way, I will share it with you. I know you've been curious about all that lies on the other side. It is not a mystery at all; it's quite simple once you open your consciousness, your spirit, and your soul to it all.
At this point, everything starts to unfold. This is when life begins to make sense. It is the ultimate reality that defines the reasons for life and compels believers to be ambitious in their pursuit of spiritual blessings, awakening their natural senses to the ultimate truths of the spirit, the soul, the heavenly realms, and God. Once you believe anything is possible through faith, you can explore the spiritual unknown, which I will share with you.
Before we begin our journey, there are many spiritual truths about the spiritual unknowns that I need to share with you in advance. Thought, spirit, or faith make it hard to imagine what's on the other side until one learns for themselves. Indeed, the growth of faith unveils everything. And yes, the closer one gets to the Holy Spirit, both internally and externally, the more spiritual revelations occur. That is how faith and spiritual growth work. These are the blessings of determination, strength, and a strong will.
Once confidence progresses far beyond doubt, one becomes even more connected with all that is out there in the heavenly realms. Once you and they connect, communication occurs. They are drawing you closer and joining you. This is how you learn what they want to share. As it develops, faith plays a key role. It's not necessary to die for our spirits to discover the other side. Through Christ and the Holy Spirit dwelling within one's soul, the supernatural unknowns become known. Everyone receives revelations at precisely the appropriate moment, so get ready to embark on an unparalleled spiritual journey beyond your wildest imagination. Everything is waiting for you to become familiar with it. Prepare yourself to get even closer to our Holy Lord.
Be aware that the ultimate purpose of life is to learn how to connect with the highest powers of God. And no matter where our faith takes us from here to there or no matter what form we take when we leave this world after we learn the truths, we will always be defined by the essence of our spirit and our soul. This is one of our main goals in life: to discover and learn from our spirit and soul. When we get closer to Heaven and God, we receive, discover, and learn more. With that in mind and that in truth, let us journey to a place where the physical and the material are defined by spiritual truths alone. We reach a point in our faith where we don't question or doubt a single word that Christ has revealed to us, thereby constantly welcoming the revelation of unknown truths. Awareness starts once one opens their eyes to the heavenly and allows the heavenly to begin to transform our own faith and our own lives.
Without a doubt, the mysteries and definitions of the Holy Scriptures of Christ are the most important and powerful spiritual knowledge and powers reserved for everyone to possess. Don't question or doubt the truths of Christ; embrace the blessing of understanding the spiritual communion and communication that takes place. Holy Scripture knowledge prepares one to explore spiritual unknowns and reveal the facts concerning all spiritual truths.
To be in Christ means to be in total union with all of the heavens and universe. This is where the blessings of all spiritual strengths and truths begin. Thus, it is crucial to study the word and light of God, the mysteries of faith, the spirit of one's actions, and the soul's essence at every opportunity. Once one begins to learn about these mysteries, it is a never-ending journey of spiritual growth and the greatest purpose for everlasting life. It's all about elevating faith from one level to the next, one step at a time, in order to get closer to Heaven and God.
The first thing to understand and always remember is that everything that exists in the heavens and in the stars consists of spiritual and supernatural realms, including our world. We find ourselves at the center of everything. All entities consist of spirits, energies, forces, and powers, either of light or darkness, which are in constant conflict for dominance and control over the supernatural and spiritual realms. Light and darkness cannot exist together in any one form of energy, force, power, spirit, will, faith, or entity. Light and darkness cannot share common ground. Due to the ultimate control of powers, light and darkness are in conflict and will always remain enemies, as they naturally and supernaturally oppose one another.
Don't let the darkness deceive you. Do not allow the light within darkness to deceive you. The darkness contains a light that challenges the divine light. We cannot compromise this law of God, which pervades all creation or existence. One cannot break, forsake, or compromise this rule of God. There is no in-between; there has never been and never will be. It's either one side or the other. You choose to follow, live, and die for either the light or the darkness. And this choice for self will define one’s own spiritual life and destiny.
Throughout all of creation, light exists in some form or another. Light can pierce the darkness, but darkness cannot pierce the light. Darkness cannot exist in the light, whereas light can exist in the dark. Recognize that the qualities and quantities of light and darkness define all spirits, energies, forces, powers, and spiritual and supernatural realms. And the farther away you are from the light, the more darkness there is. We understand that God's grace and love connect most spirits and religions in this world directly to His Holy Light. Do not judge or discriminate against any other faith or religion in this world because we are all seeking to attain higher spiritual truths of light that our spirits and souls so desperately need to sustain spirit and soul.
Seeking all that is holy requires extensive learning to ensure constant protection. The heavenly and spiritual realms are vast, filled with many unknown extremes. Many will welcome and bless you, but others will manipulate and destroy you. Within the spiritual realms, it is sometimes difficult to distinguish between powers of light and powers of darkness. Unless, of course, one has the Holy Spirit, which is the holy light of God dwelling inside their souls.
Being able to communicate with everything in the heavens above and the heavens of God is the most important power and spiritual truth of faith to possess. To have total discernment over the origins of all spirits, energies, forces, and powers, one must allow the Holy Spirit of God to dwell within their spirit and soul. To venture beyond the spiritual realm into the heavenly realms, one must possess this discernment. A Christian's life is to always be aware that spiritual warfare between light and darkness is constant and ongoing.
The powers of light or darkness rule every realm. Both light and darkness make up many realms, including our own Earth. These are the places where spiritual wars are raging for dominance and authority. As a Christian, this will not affect us if faith is strong and one is aware of the truths. Now that we are here together, I will share everything I know with you to help you prepare for what lies ahead.
The goal is to recognize the spirit of self and learn of one’s own capabilities
Let's begin by understanding the concept of spirit, which is synonymous with self. Everyone has a spirit; we are each born with our very own. The energies with which our own spirits connect are the forces that flow within and throughout each self. In the spiritual realms, the focus is on spiritual growth, moving from one's current level to the next. It’s about spiritual awareness. Everyone possesses their own unique spiritual awareness and evaluates definitions to reflect their own. You are your own individual conscience, spirit, and soul, unlike anyone else in the world. The mystery of self-spirit continues to transform and awaken the heavens above.
This illustrates our inherent spirituality and teaches us how to cultivate spiritual strength throughout our lives. Your own spirit is a precise reflection of your innermost self, which connects to the heavens. The spiritual realms know exactly where you stand and how strong and true you really are. This is how spiritual energies connect with or repel your own spirit. It's not a matter of choice; it's a matter of being aware of spiritual truths or not. They know your spirit as well as you do. No one can hide from their own higher truths. All that truly matters to higher powers is what the spirit of self consists of and connects with.
There are spirits who will protect you, whether you know it or not. They will defend you because they see the light in your soul. All of one's own desires, values, morals, emotions, faith, will, hopes, joys, fears, strengths, weaknesses, and everything else that defines oneself radiates from within one’s spirit and soul. The energy of the conscience and soul composes the spirit of the self, reflecting everything one lives and dies for. Its nature is to be an ally to all other forces within oneself, to be a distinct and individual force, even though it recognizes that it is most powerful when combined with holiness. To have continual revelations, all of one's internal spiritual forces must be in harmony and work together in unison rather than separately. If someone blesses their spirit, it will reveal itself and share its purpose for your life.
Learn to listen to your spirit and your soul. They hold secrets that they want to share with you. Your spirit and soul, uniquely yours, possess knowledge of the mysteries of the heavens and stars, from which you and they originate, and these mysteries cannot remain hidden. You need to unveil them to attain enhanced spiritual comprehension, thrive, and excel, thereby bestowing blessings upon all the spiritual entities you naturally and supernaturally connect with. Each of our personal revelations requires the unmasking of these secrets. We must readily comprehend these life's secrets and mysteries in order to uncover even more profound secrets and mysteries of God's higher truths.
It is the mystery and purpose of one's own spirit and soul to learn individual spiritual control. Learn to listen to your body, as it is a conduit for your spirit and soul. You should pay attention to your spirit and soul, as they originate from the divine light. It's crucial to pay attention to your instincts, as they link you to greater spiritual forces. Your spirit connects to the heavens and seeks your attention to illuminate you with its timeless truths. Always remember that your soul has the deepest connection to Heaven and God.
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