Unveiling the Mysteries of Spiritual Realms and Dimensions
This little blue world that we are currently living within is not only tangible; it is also spiritual and supernatural. This does not mean we share the same spiritual or supernatural beliefs. Each of us defines our own unique spiritual realities based on the faith that we hold to be true. The spiritual realms that exist among us encompass a range of extremes. And the extremes are what define each of the spiritual realms. Our individual faith in God is what determines the realm or realms that are closest to each of us.
Just as we are physical spiritual beings living in this spiritual material world, we also share some spiritual similarities with the spiritual and supernatural realms that are closest to us. This implies that not only is the physical and material world we inhabit spiritual and supernatural, but it also encompasses intangible living spirits and souls that coexist among us, existing within their own incomprehensible realms or dimensions.
Within our material world, there are a multitude of spiritual and supernatural realms of light and darkness. Each realm possesses its own unique dimensional characteristics and has its own authorities, who divide the realms of light and darkness between good and evil. All realms of light unite and defend against darkness, each possessing distinct individual qualities based on their proximity to Heaven and hell. Our own world, Earth, exists somewhere in the middle of all this, which explains why we are so susceptible to influence.
Unimaginable spiritual realms consisting of light exist between Earth and Heaven. Unimaginable spiritual realms consisting of darkness also exist between Earth and hell. Earth is a unique spiritual realm that encompasses numerous extremes of both light and darkness. Earth exists somewhere between both Heaven and hell. Within the realms of light, there are pathways that lead closer to the light of God. The spiritual supernatural realms that exist between Earth and Heaven are just as real and tangible—even more so than anything and everything we can comprehend to be true here on Earth.
The realms closest to Heaven represent the pinnacles of these celestial qualities. This is the place where the greatest of the spiritual, supernatural, natural, and physical converge and reside. All energies, forces, and powers unite with faith and love for a common purpose, enabling divine communion and communication with everyone who knows of their truths. The living spirits and souls that live there are like us, consisting of mass and matter like our own, though with different qualities of supernatural realities within every different spiritual realm. It varies in each realm, though the closer that one gets to Heaven and God, the more overwhelmingly awesome it becomes.
We share these realms with others who are of like-minded faith. Everything that exists in the universe contains spiritual and supernatural qualities. The faith of one's spirit and soul determine their individual proximity to God, Heaven, and the spiritual realms connected to our world. It is only a matter of faith to connect with them all. The light, which coexists in everything within the reach of God, connects all. The quality and quantity of faith in each person defies distance.
Before learning about spiritual realms, one must learn about self-faith first. Faith is the fundamental key that unlocks the spiritual and supernatural realms of the heavenly divine. Faith serves as our internal energy, force, and soul power, directly connecting us to Christ and God. Faith is the medium through which the answers, communions, and communications take place. The revelation of all the answers to the spiritual realms occurs when one fully comprehends their own faith. We will each have our own unique individual revelations, as the spiritual realms are as numerous as the universe itself.
We live within an infinite, incomprehensible, spiritual, and supernatural universe that exists outside of our own understanding of all that we hold to be true. Do not doubt that we are not alone. This spiritual universe that we live in is full of intelligent life forms, both seen and unseen. We are witnesses to the spiritual through our own experiences, which become our own truths.
Many spiritual and supernatural realities coexist with us in this very world that is our temporary home. Their realities encompass unknown spiritual dimensions that somehow connect to our world and ours to theirs. All spiritual believers, myself included, firmly believe in this undeniable truth; once confronted with the evidence, it becomes irrefutable. Everyone will receive their own unique revelation concerning the unknown realms in due time. I will share with you all the revelations I have received, even though much of what I know is unique to me.
Understanding these answers depends on what level of faith one contains. One's levels of faith, spiritual awareness, and closeness to the Holy Spirit of God form the foundation of spiritual growth. Each one of these spiritual elements works independently, and all work together simultaneously to elevate faith. They guide us, reveal solutions that alter our lives, and prepare us for future changes. We each have our own lives to learn, and what we learn today fulfills our future destinies.
We each receive blessings and assurance that our spirits are strong. When we feel weak, we pray for strength, knowing that the answers will teach us how to prevail, as our souls are eternal and have a direct internal connection to God. Our individual souls currently possess greater power than we can comprehend, as our faith deepens, strengthening our souls' connection to the divine.
Always remember, you want your soul to command your spirit for ultimate spiritual prosperity and future growth to occur. Relinquishing spirit control when soul control is lacking can result in influence and manipulation, as your spirit is an integral part of your mind and its thoughts. Sometimes that’s not a beneficial thing. Therefore, we want our soul, our faith, and our will to ultimately command our individual spirit. Be patient and diligent; your soul will teach your spirit all that needs to be known, because your spirit and your soul combined define the strength of your own will.
Above all, when it comes to higher power, never doubt the words of Christ and God, and strive to interpret and understand their every truth. When one does this, they will receive the revelations and receive the proof to be a witness to every unimaginable truth they contain. Never doubt that God is more real than anything we could ever possibly imagine. Our faith and love will always secure a bond with his own because he is our lifeline. He feeds and fuels our spirits and souls to transform and transcend. He is always present and has never left us. Our connection is more than just a connection—we are one with all that is of his own.
We are here right now in this world to learn how to excel spiritually and supernaturally. This is the only way we can learn to connect to the higher spiritual realms and be closer to God. Only by applying their proven higher spiritual truths can we learn how to do it properly. When your spirit and soul leave your body and this world, you can only take what you learned from life.
The attainment of spiritual growth leads to the revelation of more. The scripture relating to storing treasures in heaven conveys this message. Nothing exists more valuable than love and the level of faith one seeks. Discover the truth about self-awareness and the light that characterizes our existence. These are all that you will possess when you leave this world; nothing else matters other than love and family. For myself, there is only one reason for our brief time here in this world: to learn everything I can about faith and love when it comes to the Holy Spirit of God.
We share the same spiritual realms with spirits and souls, as well as faiths and beliefs, and we can sense, recognize, and unite with them. They form our closest friendships and strongest alliances with the Holy Spirit, as we share the same energies, forces, and powers that unite us for our shared purpose. These connections allow for communion and communication to occur. It's always been this way and always will be.
The deeper the connections of communication, the more profound the transformation of faith, trust, spiritual growth, confidence, and love becomes when connecting with these higher spiritual realms. These processes of spiritual growth are life-enhancing, elevating praise, faith, and glory in Christ to the highest extremes, drawing us closer to God's most powerful light and unconditional love.
Spiritual growth involves learning about revelations and visions of the spiritual realms, a continuous and never-ending process. Our God's power is eternally expanding faster and further than the speed of light could ever predict, creating more spiritual realms and forms of light that are a trillion light-years ahead of our scientific and spiritual knowledge. God loves, needs, and wants us all. He created all of creation for us because he is our God, and we are his.
How can we serve Christ and God fully if we are unaware of the light and darkness that exist amongst us? We cannot spiritually prosper if we do not know how to eliminate the darkness and elevate the light and their supernatural truths. This is why the spiritual and supernatural entities closest to us reveal visions and revelations—to impart knowledge. Christ's and God's answers are everywhere, waiting for you to accept their truths.
Learning doesn't happen instantly or overnight. It takes time, because spiritual growth is a learning process that will never end. This is one of the purposes of eternal life. The divine provides us with visions, revelations, and answers to educate and equip us. Yearn to spiritually thrive and learn. Recognize that every definition we receive builds upon the one before it. We cannot hastily assume that divine interventions serve our own purpose or cause; there is always a more comprehensive explanation. It's about the divine wanting our faith to grow spiritually and become a part of their own. They love us and believe in us.
Each of us embarks on our own unique spiritual journey—not just for fulfillment and joy, but most of all to elevate our higher spiritual consciousness, higher spiritual awareness, and higher spiritual growth to get closer to God. If our ultimate intention is not to focus on God, one might find themself diverting their attention to learn from other sources than God. Do not allow this to happen. Keep in mind that your soul's light is his, and he gave it to us to share. Not to be separate or individual. Achieving a higher level of spiritual consciousness and awareness without the presence of God implies a denial. We cannot oppose this spiritual, supernatural fact of life.
Angels, saints, and the chosen ones who are in the fellowship of God adhere to a strict code of conduct when it comes to the powers of light and darkness. Each of our eternal living souls is defined and distinguished by these rules. To distinguish powers of control, we must separate the powers of light and darkness from each other. This is what separates the spiritual realms of the light from the darkness. This power defines the differences.
One cannot be associated with both light and darkness, which represent different spiritual realms with different definitions and powers. The spiritual and supernatural realms either unite with one side or separate from the other. Everyone who lives in this world and can adhere to these spiritual truths must choose their side. Our faith in this truth ultimately defines our knowledge of spirit and soul. Our own faith guides us, leads us, and determines our own destiny beyond our earthly bodies and this world. To realize the power of this truth is when we truly begin to reevaluate the meanings and purposes of our own individual lives.
Once God receives our own personal requests, each individual will receive their own unique answers. We don't always get what we want. Ask God to reveal your soul's purpose, and you will never be disappointed no matter how challenging it gets. Seek his guidance to uncover the truth, and don't question what he reveals. From there, you can choose the path that is right for you. Be humble and grateful for the love. God will bless you with peace, love, and everything you could ever want or ask for when we get to a higher spiritual realm. Be patient; remember, life is eternal.
To gain the awareness and truth of our spirits, souls, and the spiritual realms is the sole purpose of our everlasting lives, and only Christ and God alone can provide the answers for the missions that each of us are currently on. We each have a mission that God wants us to fulfill. We must strive to spiritually advance. God bestows these purposes of life upon us because our personal living souls coexist with his own and because he created us from his own. We are a part of his own because of his living will.
In the spiritual heavenly realms where our spirits and souls have the strongest connection, each of us receives numerous visions to learn from and uncover their true definitions. At this point, we establish our own personal connection to theirs. The spiritual realms desire to divulge all their spiritual and supernatural knowledge to you. By opening your spirit and soul to the Holy Spirit of God, you will receive explanations for each spiritual realm of light to which you belong.
Spiritual growth elevates spiritual consciousness, which is the awareness of one's own spirit and soul and the ability to distinguish between positive and negative forces. Spiritual growth fosters connections and collaborations with spirits and forces that are closest to one's own faith and the Holy Spirit of Christ of God. I confirm the importance of connecting the Holy Spirit to the self's spirit and soul. Understanding the significance of this connection is necessary for optimum spiritual growth.
Hope, prayer, and learning spiritual truths always accompany spiritual growth in faith. Alliances grow when one begins to recognize the spiritual realms for their true nature. All believers in Christ have learned from his teachings. We are certain that the spiritual and heavenly realms closest to his own are drawing our spirits and souls even closer.
Each of us has a direct connection to the spiritual realms; they influence us differently according to the condition our spirits are in. One's emotional state directly influences the state of their spirit. We each automatically know what we need to do to elevate our faith; this is one of our natural instincts. I do not doubt the fact that everything spiritual originated from Heaven and God; therefore, there is always hope. The connection one makes with the spiritual realms closest to God reinforces the purpose of existence.
Spend some time reflecting on the spiritual realms I am attempting to share and unveil with you. As your own faith grows, understand that every inquiry uncovers a subsequent response, which then guides us to the next clear-cut inquiry. Until we each put our own pieces of our individual faith together, we will not be able to see the bigger picture that awaits our discovery, which is the ultimate vision, revelation, and answer to the higher spiritual realms that are closest to God.
Everyone who seeks spiritual answers receives them through faith, determination, and persistence, depending on the commitment and dedication. Every response stems from the most recent understanding. That is another way faith elevates. Everyone strives to reach the next level of spiritual awareness within their current spiritual growth, demonstrating persistence and faithfulness.
Our natural senses, working in tandem with our own spiritual and supernatural senses, confirm this. It makes sense that each of us is born not only physically and spiritually, but also naturally and supernaturally with a spirit and soul. God bestows upon us the gift of life, enabling us with his own light of soul. We are all God’s children.
This implies that faith operates in a spiritual manner, utilizing spiritual senses akin to natural ones, such as sight, sound, smell, taste, and touch, enabling one to perceive the presence of the spiritual realms. Those who do not doubt will eventually experience these spiritual realms one by one as their faith deepens. I firmly believe that those who possess a sensitivity to the spiritual and supernatural aspects of divine light are receiving guidance and advancing toward their ultimate truths.
There are only two ultimate powers that separate the spiritual and supernatural realms within our world, the heavens, the universe, and all dimensions. The light of God and the darkness exist without it. There are no other sides; not even the free will of self can escape this truth. Ultimately, one must choose to be associated with light or darkness, and it's crucial to act quickly. It's crucial to make informed decisions and avoid taking risks.
In this world, we are living in a reflection of a much greater and profound reality and truth from where our faith wants us to reflect and learn. Our faith elevates us to achieve the highest goals. The spiritual supernatural realms in which we currently live are continuously watching over us and revealing themselves.
The Holy Spirit of Christ and God connects each of our spirits and souls to themselves, as do all the spiritual heavenly realms that are closest to their own. Some of these realms are also near our own. This is how those in the realms share, reveal, and bless every one of us, drawing our lives closer to the light. The light of God connects us all. You just don’t recognize it until you know its truth. Our faith unites with theirs.
Everyone has a connection to their own spiritual realms of light. The supernatural continuously reveals itself to everyone who lives by faith in spirit. Everyone possesses and witnesses unique spiritual and supernatural experiences that set them apart from others. Just as we are unique and different from each other, so too are the spiritual and heavenly experiences that we each encounter and learn from.
Heaven and Earth are inseparable; there is a connection that has always existed. To reach Heaven through prayers and spirit, one learns to find the way through spiritual awareness as well. Therefore, as your awareness increases, your spiritual senses also intensify, eventually merging and gradually becoming one with all that is associated with the light of the Holy Spirit. All Christians believe in Heaven, because we know that it is where our Lord Jesus Christ went when he ascended from this world.
If someone doesn't doubt the separation of spiritual supernatural light and darkness, learning about the spiritual realms within light will be easy. This is the type of faith required to start preparing fully. There is much to learn in order to avoid the darkness and gain knowledge of all spiritual and supernatural truths.
For now, learn from your own spiritual world, which you are living in. Delve deeply into your soul to uncover the truth. You will understand why things are the way they are. The level and substance of one's own faith determine one’s next revelation. Pay close attention to your faith, and it will reveal itself to you.
Each of us discovers our unique spiritual destiny through our individual faith. This is not only one of the purposes of life, but also the reason we exist in this world. We must learn how to establish a secure connection with the Holy Spirit of God before we can see our own destiny, which encompasses the spiritual realms. This is the way spiritual growth works.
There is no favoritism; the Holy Spirit of Christ and God love us all equally and wait for each one of us to reach out to them for a connection that will be blessed to continually grow. This connection alone, on one’s behalf, draws each closer to heaven and the spiritual realms of light from which we are to learn. We are all a part of this grand, elaborate plan—to have a faith of self that lifts us up to recognize the ultimate truths that exist in the spiritual realms.
Most people cannot see the spiritual and supernatural realms that thrive amidst our own awareness of their truths, but we all occasionally catch glimpses of them throughout our lives, allowing us to modify our priorities. This allows for the revelation of their own awareness, unveiling further unknown truths that we were previously unaware existed. Once we recognize something, we acknowledge it and bless it for further recurrence.
Typically, these revelations come only from three possibilities.These revelations can originate from one's own inner spirit and soul, striving to awaken one's conscience awareness to the ultimate truths of spiritual life. Alternatively, they may come from guardians from the spiritual realms, attempting to capture their attention through hints and clues. Lastly, they may come from the Holy Spirit of God, who is facilitating a spiritual awakening.
If one receives a revelation, acknowledges it, and values its essence and worth from the heavens above, the Holy Spirit draws one closer instantly. When this occurs, you enter the ultimate light of the Holy Spirit of God without hesitation or doubt. With your faith firmly grounded, it's now the moment in life where one’s spiritual journey of unwavering faith sets one’s spirit and soul on a direct mission of continual spiritual growth.
Spirit and soul of self-connects to the spiritual realms
For each of us to fully be able to learn the definitions of spiritual realms, we must first learn the definitions of spirit and soul of self. Every soul longs for recognition and fulfillment. First and foremost, we are spirit and soul, and before anything else, faith and love are the greatest powers that keep our spirit and soul connected with God.
The light of the soul is the same as God's light, an extension of his own will. We are one of his own. Our souls are the greatest gift of all heavens and the universe. God grants us the potential to achieve anything we desire through faith, spirit, and will. We maintain an eternal connection with God through the light of the soul.
One of the most important lessons to learn concerning spiritual realms is how to distinguish between the light of the Holy Spirit and the light of angels who fell from heaven to this world. They no longer align with God's light; instead, they represent a reflection of another source of light that aims to trick you away from God's light and truths. Be aware of the light in the darkness that leads to the abyss.
The spiritual realms of light are untouchable by the darkness. Our God of light has ultimate authority over all that exists on Earth, in the heavens, and in the universe. All entities of darkness are unable to penetrate the realms of light, as they understand that they are on the opposite side of divine truths. The Holy Spirit's light can penetrate darkness, and the absence of holiness in darkness serves solely for those who avoid its illumination. The light in darkness is only a reflection; it has no greater source than itself.
The Holy Spirit of God that lives within the essence of our souls shields and protects us from all powers that exist in the spiritual realms of darkness. The darkness cannot compromise a Christian because they fear our armor of God. Because you are full of God's light, you are untouchable and untemptable.
We are in constant spiritual communion and communication with God himself. Through prayer and dedication, as faith grows, we discover his truths. As Christians, this is our purpose: to discover the answers to the mysteries of the spiritual realms and our spiritual lives.
Be cautious with your thoughts, emotions, imaginations, and spirit, and avoid the spiritual unknown, as numerous falsehoods that do not belong to the realms of light can easily deceive you. Without knowledge of the Holy Spirit of God, one can easily deviate from all spiritual directions, leading their spirit and soul astray. Spirits of false truths can easily deceive anyone if they do not have the Holy Spirit of God living within their spirit and soul.
You can be sure that any questionable spiritual light source is not from God because God's light is unquestionable and undoubtable. After becoming aware of God's light, one can distinguish all spiritual light in the spiritual and supernatural.
All that exists in the universe also contains unknown dimensions that are spiritual and supernatural. We are each our own energy forces, which attract like energies and repel the unlike. The scientific community has not yet fully recognized the spiritual and supernatural dimensions, as they are not subject to testing but are recognizable through faith.
I have discovered that the soul of self gives the aura of self, its energy field and light source, because the soul and aura radiate from the inside out. Scientific proof exists to confirm this spiritual supernatural phenomenon. We have souls, as everyone does in the tangible and intangible universe. Our souls consist of physical, natural, intangible, and supernatural qualities and realities. Our one God, of all creation, created us with a living soul that is defined by the essence of his and our own light.
No matter what we believe about the origin and substance of the spiritual supernatural, the essence of our souls, and how they are joined with the spiritual realms, the irrefutable truth that defines all that our faith reveals cannot be denied.
The light of the soul directly correlates to the spiritual realms that we each are associated with. One’s soul, spirit, and consciousness may or may not be aware of the associations one has with the spiritual realms and/or God. One of the reasons for life is to learn how faith works and to learn how energy, forces, and powers are directly connected to the soul, spirit, and consciousness of self. Together, they form a single force that elevates faith, uniting it with God and his own spiritual realms.
What defines the spirit and soul of self is about making a choice to either be associated with good or evil, which are both divided within the supernatural and the spiritual realms. The choice one makes ultimately shapes the self. If the light influences first, the darkness cannot intervene, and if the darkness influences first, then one is influenced by all that opposes the love and communion with God.
Unfortunately, those who cannot distinguish between the spiritual truths of the spiritual realms of light and darkness will be led astray by a light of darkness, not God's light. The light in darkness is a reflection of mirrored hidden truths that are deceptions and are impossible to distinguish if one does not know the light and love of God.
When it comes to spiritual realms, these are of many different dimensions that exist within boundaries that separate light and darkness from heaven and hell. Those who fall victim will not distinguish between God's light and the light that is of darkness. Yes, there are many lights in the darkness that perform many miracles and will promise everything one could ever possibly want, though they are secretly and ultimately leading one spirit and soul farther away from the light of God's truths.
Don't let anyone deceive you; everything in creation revolves around spiritual and supernatural power, dominance, and control. This is what separates every spiritual realm from every other. This is what separates the light from the darkness. This is what divides all energy, forces, and powers that exist within our own consciousness, spirit, and soul of selves. This is why spiritual and supernatural warfare continue to rage on for dominance and control. To be captive is the goal of the darkness, or to be free is the goal of the light.
There are no truths that exist within the darkness, only corruption, deceit, and lies. The darkness has perfected a power control over the spiritually weak that will keep them blind, captive, and under control. Examine the spiritual forces you perceive that are striving to grant you recognition and favor.
In the spiritual realms of light that are within our reach, there exists a multitude of light, each with a unique shade of radiance that surpasses our imagination's comprehension and extends within the boundaries of all universes combined. Why? This is because God is the eternal light that defines eternity.
Each of us possesses this eternal light within our very own souls. The word of God affirms that our souls, along with the heavenly spiritual realms, are eternal. Do not doubt these truths. Don't question the fact that God's light alone created all that exists, and do not doubt that when you leave this world, you are destined to go to a spiritual and heavenly realm that is closer to God.
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