Unlock the Supernatural Realms with Your Guardian Angel

Guardian Angel From Christ Praying

I know that angels exist, having personally interacted with several of them at various times throughout my life. Each angel has made their presence known to me in unique ways. They each possess their own qualities and quantities of light power. They each possess their own unique personalities and physical and incorporeal qualities. Additionally, each angel originates from distinct regions within the spiritual heavenly realms that exist between Heaven and Earth. Just as there are countless stars in the universe, there are also countless supernatural realms as well, where our guardian angels reside. And because of their extraordinary powers of light, spirit, and soul, they come and go from their world to our own as they choose instantly. Angels' spirits and souls are not quite identical to our own, though similar in many ways. As one's faith deepens beyond uncertainty, the subtleties emerge, and the interpretations become clear. Angels have spirits like we do; while theirs are educated and disciplined in God's truths, ours are only beginning to learn about their and God's eternal mysteries. Angels have souls like our own, though they have been around the universe since the beginning of time. Like theirs, ours is also the purest form of God's light, though we're just beginning to learn of its powers and awe. Each of us possesses a guardian angel from whom we will learn.

Once one learns of these nuances, angels are eager to reveal themselves because they are always willing to share their truths with anyone whose faith does not doubt. Angels revealed themselves when it was most beneficial to provide spiritual awakenings, not when we wanted or asked. Foremost for the holiest of reasons is to elevate one’s faith when their faith is capable. They reveal themselves in many ways and forms. Because of their supernatural nature, angels usually manifest themselves in forms of light. The essence of an angel's light is unique and individual; no two existing angelic lights are identical. Just as we all have our own free will to define our own spiritual and supernatural identities, so do the angels of God, and their light, as well as ours, projects and reflects our spirits and souls.

We are of the purest form of light, just as the angels of the heavens. We are, as they are, of the living light of God because we are all his offspring, and we are his chosen ones. The light that is of our souls is the ultimate divine power source that always blesses, teaches, and gives. All creation manifests from this light of God. This is the place where we, along with our angels, acquire knowledge from faith and its enigmas. Each of us learns our true identities from, for, and by the love of the divine. This light of God is the source of ultimate authority. To become one with all that is of His own is the ultimate surrender of one’s love and life unconditionally. All that is of creation is eternal and everlasting because the eternal living light of God exists within all. To recognize this truth is where the highest power of life exists. The same light that forms the essence of each of our individual living souls also forms the breath, life, and light of God. We are one with all that is his own, just as every angel in the universe is.

What defines our souls is identical to the souls that all angels possess. Our origins are the same. Most people are unaware of their own soul's life, love, and light. They haven’t felt it, witnessed it, or experienced it yet. Be patient, though diligent to receive the revelations of and from the soul of self. It is a blessing to learn everything about your soul's light—the universe, heavens, and God. I can attest to this truth. Know that the soul of one's self dwells within a hidden secret place that exists somewhere within all that exists within one's faith that cannot be defined by self because it exists within a dimension that only God alone knows. He knows our own souls better than we know ourselves. One’s soul is the greatest mystery of God that he gave us and provides all truths for all unconditionally. What one chooses to do with one’s own spirit and soul is their own free will. God bless and choose well.

As the angels have revealed, if one does not doubt that our soul's light is in constant union with the Holy Spirit of Christ and God and that our soul alone is our ultimate source, force, and gift of life, the mystery of our living souls will be revealed to us quicker than later. Be persistent in learning from the Holy Scriptures, even if one begins learning one scripture at a time. Do not delay; this alone will eliminate negative energies, forces, and powers. Be patient in receiving revelations from prayers; they will be received at the most precise time when needed. The answers to the secrets will be revealed to everyone at the perfect moment. I have been reassured by my angels and by my faith that each of us will learn from the light that dwells within our own individual, unique living souls, which possess a power of light that is surreal and unimaginable, yet understandable through unwavering faith. Each of us possesses this power of light to unveil the eternal truths of God, just as the angels, who have remained faithful to God throughout time, have learned from.

The primary distinction between the light of our souls and the light of our guardian angels lies in the levels of faith we each possess individually as we are being connected and drawn closer to Heaven and God. This determines the precise location of our spirits and souls within the heavenly spiritual realms at any given moment in our lives. This is also defined as each of our own levels of faith growing and maturing. As our faith, trust, and love for God grow, which is an eternal process alone, our spirits and souls are elevated inwards, outwards, and upwards towards higher spiritual heavenly truths, bringing us closer to Heaven and God. When the miracles and the powers of our faith include Christ and God, we are lifted, opening our spiritual and supernatural consciousness, eliminating distance and location, and drawing us closer to God’s eternal light. If one chooses to elevate themselves, this process continues daily throughout life. This process teaches us to differentiate between true and false truths, between the light of God and the light of darkness, and ultimately leads us to stand in the presence of Christ and God every moment of our lives.

Our angels are here to teach us, help us, and guide us through this controversial world where many questionable energies, forces, and powers dwell. Sometime before our spiritual awakenings occurred, they knew our spirits, souls, and faith better than we knew ourselves. They believed in us more than we will ever know. Our progress toward the divine truths they have always held is blessing them as much as they have blessed us. We, just as they are, are alive to discover and rediscover every possible dimension that exists of God. We aim to gain a comprehensive understanding of the spiritual and supernatural realm of the heavens in which we currently reside.

It seemed to take a considerable amount of time to reach this point, where our faith is now firmly established. Maybe it’s because we are so stubborn and think we know everything when we really don’t. I don’t know how my angels put up with me as long as they did. Now I know more about how faith and love truly work because of my angels. Yes, our angels love us and believe in us from the day that we are born into this world. Trust me, no matter what you have ever done, thought, or said, your angel is still right here, right now, watching your back and always believing in you. They never gave up. My angels have taught me to never give up. Because when you don't give up on love and faith, all the solutions to the universe's secrets are revealed. When we are willing and able to let go of the past and surrender our future to God, our angels are here to prepare us for all that lies on the other side, elevating our spirits from a state of uncertainty to one of assurance. They unveil unfathomable truths to us. They can feel our spirits as sure as we do. At this point, we don’t have to ask our angels what we need to do. We know what we need to do.

If someone does not yet know how to feel spirits, this is where we learn that faith and love, being two of the strongest forces in the universe and the heavens, directly define each of our own spirits. Each of our own spirits connects each of us intimately to the heavens that are closest to the Heaven of God without. Faith defies all laws and rules of the natural and the supernatural. Faith is a miracle of God that defines each of our own living souls. Every element of God that defines our living souls is a miracle. And there are many, if not countless. Never doubt faith and never question the Holy Spirit, Christ, or God. They each have a plan for each and every one of us all. God and you both have unique purposes for your creation. Always include God in your plans, and you will prevail.

My angels informed me that life becomes meaningless when it involves physical self-containment. The physical is only a temporary shell that holds our corporeal dimensions together, as for now. Our truest dimensions define our truest forms of spiritual and supernatural identities, which are made up of many miracles that make up our individual life source and life force of self-soul. All that is of the physical self cannot access these truths until one’s spirit, soul, or faith learns to access God. Faith in God defies all natural and supernatural laws of the heavens and the universe. Faith and love for God defy all boundaries. There are no powers that exist in all of creation that can separate one’s faith and love from Heaven, Christ, or God. All that belongs to God eternally unites as one, including ourselves. Once faith and love of self connect with God, his living light becomes invincible and instantly felt and known, taking ultimate control and authority over all that is present. This is where the victory begins and never ends.

These are the blessings of the love of God that taught the angels closest to Heaven how to grow angel wings and to learn how to fly between the levels of Heaven and Earth. Eventually they were given authority to learn how to travel faster than the speed of light within the universe, heavenly and spiritual realms. They learned to explore the multiverse and the multiheavenly realms as these universes continued to expand. As for now, space and time do not stand still; they are continually and constantly evolving, just as the knowledge and faith of our angels and ourselves always will. Our angels are not learning faster than we are, and we are not learning faster than they are. We are learning together with our angels as our union grows. Our angels have learned how to defy the dimensions and travel faster than the speed of light between the realms and realities. It’s simpler and faster than you could ever imagine; it becomes instant and continuous in faith and love for the Holy Spirit of God. These are the blessings that reveal revelations that define how the powers of God work within the universe and heavens above. And these are the blessings of how miracles occur.

The closer one's faith gets to the Holy Throne of Christ, God, and the Holy Spirit, the more spiritual and supernatural communication occurs, and the more blessings are given and elevated and secured. To get to this level of faith is where spiritual strength needs to be strong enough to get closer towards the holiest of heavenly realms, to enter into higher spiritual supernatural realms closer towards God. To acquire this spiritual space and realm is to bypass and surpass all spiritual and supernatural realms and powers of darkness. This is where Christ Jesus told us in Holy Scripture to place the darkness beneath our feet. This is the state of faith that surpasses opposition and repels all powers of darkness combined. To submit to the darkness is to have authority. This is when and where the Holy Spirit of Christ and God reigns supreme within our lives, our faith, and all that exists within the universe and the heavenly spiritual supernatural realms of ultimate authority.

At this point, all realms of darkness are literally laid beneath our feet, and we learn ultimate authority. Where all submissions cease to exist and ultimate authority and spiritual freedoms begin to learn and thrive, no matter how close or far they were or are, the answers are given. When Christ and God become involved, the faith in the soul of self reigns supreme. This is where awareness of the truth about spiritual and supernatural dimensions begins. This is where the division of the light and the darkness begins to be defined.

Wherever our own world’s present location may exist within our own galaxy does not matter anymore, because the galaxy is infinite, just as space and time are. This implies that the heavenly realms and universe of God are limitless. This implies that our current focus is on surrendering to the highest power of God, which defines all aspects of reality. This establishes our adherence to these spiritual and supernatural realities. God's angels and our faith in God combine to defy all natural and supernatural laws. When two or more are joined in faith, our Lord is amongst us. Therefore, faith brings us closer to the most powerful light of God.

While angels have access and are closer to God's throne than most of the heavens and universe are, we are blessed and capable enough to have intimate communion and communication with the Holy Spirit of Christ and God and receive their spiritual enlightenment, just as the saints, angels, and everyone else who has authority do. Because of our faith, we have learned these truths, as every other angel does. We can approach Heaven and God and receive the same level of intimacy as saints and angels do because God loves each of us intimately, individually, and equally.

Guardian angels are close to us as we live our lives. They are not near us to watch us. And they do not know what we are doing at any given time in our lives. Though because they are aware of our levels of faith, they can feel the conditions of our spirits and interpret our light of souls, which allows them to always know what spiritual condition we are currently in. They possess the ability to discern between the spiritual and supernatural realms and dimensions that we ourselves are connected with, and they also know what level of faith we currently hold true. Our individual guardian angels are here to protect us and guide us as we spiritually grow. They assist us in learning about our spiritual strengths; therefore, teaching us about all energies, forces, and powers that are present in this world and the spiritual and heavenly realms.

My guardian angels provide me with continuous revelations. As a metaphor, I envision varying degrees of faith as distinct spiritual steps in a staircase that gradually rises upwards toward Heaven. Whereas each ascending stair signifies the next elevated stage of spiritual awareness and growth, rising upwards elevates faith to a higher level, drawing us closer to God for additional education and guidance. Each of these individual levels, or faiths, evaluates us, bestowing upon us additional truths and motivating us to strive for further spiritual growth. Everyone's spiritual level of faith depends on the quantity and quality of hope, faith, love, and awareness of God's light that fills each of our own spirits and souls. The key takeaway is that each of our faiths has their own choice of how fast to progress closer toward Heaven and God.

Guardian angels have capabilities that we cannot imagine. They travel back and forth from their dimensions and realities to our own as they choose, surpassing the speed of light, which for those who witness them causes the illusion of appearing, reappearing, and disappearing. They can temporarily manipulate time, performing miracles that become realities; they can manipulate the present to bless our futures and perform miracles in advance. They can subdue both the natural and the supernatural by thought alone and everything that exists within and between for the greater good of God and our own destinies.

Guardian angels have the knowledge to fully discern between all energies, forces, and powers that exist within this world and within all spiritual and supernatural realms and worlds, which allows our guardian angels to be aware of all revelations that are of God. They know exactly where each of their own and our own levels of love, light, and faith currently reside and all that they consist of. They are aware of our current spiritual awareness and our future destinies. Through the awareness of our spirits, they know each of our own ambitions and desires. And by the awareness of the light of our souls, they are near to make themselves known.

Our closest angels are not here to judge us; they are here to help teach us how to rise above the darkness that dares to keep us blinded from the light of divine truths. Our angels are here to teach and assist us in achieving their own higher spiritual truths. They desire us to enhance our spiritual awareness, enabling us to comprehend the spiritual and supernatural truths derived from their own divine experiences. To accomplish this leap of faith takes commitment and dedication that does not waver or fail. Our angels have hope in each one of us all when they see that we have hope in ourselves. It's not just about having hope for ourselves, but also about having hope and prayers for everyone we love. The angels are counting on us to eventually gain and attain the same truths that are currently their own. Even though angels have existed since the beginning of universal creation and time, their faith and love for God continue to grow and advance, just as Christ's and God's powers do, and just as they desire ours to do as well.

Once we acquire the spiritual knowledge our angels are imparting, we learn about higher frequencies which reside at a higher spiritual level of consciousness and awareness. Where our physical senses begin to be transformed in learning of all spiritual and supernatural capabilities that define the truest definitions of mind, body, spirit, and soul. Our angels help us learn about the changes in time by deepening our spiritual understanding and faith through new insights. This process transforms our beliefs, spirits, and souls. As our strength of faith advances, we learn that the closer we get to where our angels reside, the more we live in a spiritual, supernatural world.

We each have our own unique guardian angels. No two people's faith in this world is on the same level or ever identical. We each have our own individual angels that are closest to us. This makes perfect sense. Know that your angels are your own, and they are no one else’s. Understand that each angel possesses a unique mission. And they know that their mission is to succeed in assisting us. And their mission is to bless and guide you closer to the eternal spiritual, supernatural truths of God that are the source and force of each of our own living souls. Once one puts their trust in them, they place it in our unwavering faith and determination. They initiate the process of revealing the necessary assistance and the ultimate trust in their assistance for our knowledge of our own spiritual advancement and growth.

To learn how to connect with our guardian angels, first, one must learn how to connect with their own faith, spirit, and soul. This is where consciousness, spirit, and soul come together and become one force of their own. Higher spiritual powers reassure one to stand firm against the forces of darkness and uphold their own truths. One must fully understand how the energies, forces, and powers of the universe work. And one must understand how the spirit and soul of self flow within the supernatural universe and realms. One must not doubt their connection with the divine. To where all prayers are answered, to where all communion and revelation occur. Our destiny is defined by learning from everything in these closest realms, where our guardian angels reside.

Guardian angels intervene in our lives for both our and their own destinies, serving greater and higher purposes that remain to be unveiled. Most of the time, their presence remains unnoticed, but on occasion, if they so choose, they do allow us to perceive their identities and purposes. Most of the time, they actively avoid detection, a power they completely control. However, on rare occasions, they reveal themselves to foster faith, to reassure faith, and to offer a variety of reasons to keep an open mind when it comes to unimaginable and unbelievable lessons when it comes to energies, forces, and powers from Heaven and God for us to learn from.

Our guardian angels are here for us, just as much as we are here for them. Faith allows us to share the same space and time, as well as where dimensions and realities cease to exist. We have learned that no power that exists in the heavens and universe can keep us separated. We are united with our angels; we are an eternal team. We have learned to trust and count on each other. At times, space, time, and faith become the pinnacle of interconnectedness. When it comes to faith, these dimensions, realities, and separations of space and time cease to exist, to the point where all become joined as one. This is the place where the highest authority, those closest to Christ and God, rules. And this is where we join with our guardian angels to proclaim the Glory. We are a team with our angels. For all eternity, we cannot and will not separate.

Our connection with our angels existed long before we entered this world or they entered ours. Spirit and soul bonded us together before, and only God knows when. We are revealing and fulfilling our own prophecy. Our guardian angels bind us, just as our present families do. Which means that they knew beforehand, whatever the cost; they must succeed in transforming our lives to be enlightened. Angels connect each of our lives in this way. Therefore, we must strive to stay strong when it comes to spiritual strength in the name of Christ in order to bless our angels, just as they are continually blessing us.

For each of us, our guardian angels have been with us since the day we were born, watching over us and protecting us the best that they could. They ensure our safety from any potential harm. Don't hold them responsible for events that shouldn't have occurred when we most needed them. That's simply how our life unfolds, providing us with valuable lessons to grow strong.

Most of the time, our angels actively avoid detection, a behavior they completely control. Mostly, we remain unaware of our guardian angels, but on occasion, they reveal their presence to us, bringing us closer to uncovering their truths. And when we recognize and perceive them, they rejoice because of our recognition. They reveal themselves to encourage faith for a variety of reasons, from which we are to learn.

We are the reason the guardian angels are nearby—to assist us, guide us, teach us, bless us, protect us, and prepare us to enter the heavenly realms where they reside. They are always in need of assistance in the heavenly realms where they reside, as the vast extremes of the heavens require a great deal of work. Everyone, including our angels, could always benefit from occasional assistance. Our guardian angels patiently await our discovery of where they reside, though they are always revealing to us truths of what our own soul's light and God's own light are about, which we all are inseparable from, as everything is a manifestation of God's divine breath.

Our angels remain nearby to teach us about the energies, forces, and powers our souls encounter when they unite with the Holy Spirit of God and Christ. They remain committed to testifying to the truths that we learn from. They bless and nurture us for continued spiritual growth. They are patient because they know we have a lot to learn from to elevate our faith closer to where theirs is.

When we most need divine intervention, our guardian angels are always present. They eagerly await the submission of our hearts and souls to divine love and light. Once we do, our angels begin to share their own light, teaching us to discern between the various spiritual lights that exist. These shared spiritual awakenings enhance our spiritual growth and help us testify to their truths.

Working together with our angels triggers the emergence of new revelations. These revelations extend beyond our current understanding of faith, revealing even greater truths. This is how spiritual growth works. This is the moment when our guardian angels, who are closest to us, are fully committed to us because they know that our growth has surpassed doubt. This is when they start believing in us, just as we believe in them.

Guardian angels fully commit to protecting, assisting, and guiding us as our faith grows, fulfilling our future spiritual destinies. This is when we share our personal revelations with them. And this is when they begin to share their own personal revelations with us. This establishes a spiritual connection between us and them. When everything aligns, our and their revelations unite to clarify the shared purposes of our lives, all for the glory of God.

We did not choose our guardian angels, and neither did they choose our own selves. The Holy Spirit of Christ and God is what brought us together with our angels for their and our own cause. Our spiritual paths intersect for the purpose of uplifting our spirits and souls. Only God's will and power united us. In this matter, neither we nor our angels had any say in the outcome. Our individual faith and will in the truth of God brought us together with our angels. We live in the truth of this era, and our guardian angels are also aware of it.

Our lives' purpose and the revelations we receive from our faith begin to align with God's own. God has a unique plan for each of us, and our angels are ready to assist in fulfilling these plans. This is why we each have our own heavenly guardian angels who assist us during times of spiritual growth, endure continuous spiritual protection from opposing powers, and facilitate awakenings and revelations, both from them to us, from us to them, and from all to God.

Guardian angels are interceding with us every second of every day of our lives. Our spirits and souls communicate with them and God daily. Our living souls could not live without God’s love and light. And our angels are interceding. The Holy Spirit's love and light are the ultimate power that continuously gives us the breath of life and fuels our light of soul; only because God is alive within our living and breathing souls do we exist. We are his, and he is ours, connected for all eternity. Our guardian angels are here to teach us and show us the reality of these truths, as well as how to teach us how to spiritually advance.

Our guardian angels are here to reassure us that God alone is the source of our souls' eternal light connection. Never doubt this connection, and never deny this truth of God and soul. Your life and soul are to acknowledge God foremost, from where your freedom of spirit and soul begins. Freedom and the Holy Spirit of Christ God are one and the same. Your existence is based on an eternal and external purpose that defines one's soul of self. You are who you are because God needed you more than anyone else. Do not doubt this truth. Discover how to navigate life to bless yourself and your guardian angels—and most importantly, to bless and praise God.

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